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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

Sport Centers in Slovenia Catalogue 2008


Sport Centers in Slovenia Catalogue 2008

The first Sport centers in Slovenia Catalogue 2008 was published recently. The publication presents sport and leisure infrastructure in Slovenia. This publication improves the information system, which is important for development of the school sport education, recreation, sport, events, economy and the legislation. This publication will support marketing of services on Slovenian and international markets.

The first Sport centers in Slovenia Catalogue 2008 was published recently. The publication presents sport and leisure infrastructure in Slovenia. This publication improves the information system, which is important for development of the school sport education, recreation, sport, events, economy and the legislation. This publication will support marketing of services on Slovenian and international markets.

Information from sport centers will be used in planning, constructing, managing and maintaining of the sport and leisure infrastructure in the municipalities, regions and state. Publication aims to initiates the best solutions for sustainable development of the environment and society, effective social management, development of new programs and introduction of new technologies.
Operators of sport and leisure infrastructure provided the documentation for the catalogue. The Sport Center Association of Slovenia arranged it and added official statistics. Publishing of the catalogue was supported by the Ministry of education and sport, Olympic Committee of Slovenia – Association of Sports federations and Foundation of sport.
Next year The Sport Center Association of Slovenia will publish the Catalogue 2009.
You can find the Catalogue also on the web page,,posebne/main.htm.

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mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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