Information on Current Slovenian and European Tenders Now Available on Slovenian Tourist Board Business Web Site

Objavljeno: 14.7.2008

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Information on Current Slovenian and European Tenders Now Available on Slovenian Tourist Board Business Web Site

The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) wants to keep business entities directly or indirectly connected to tourism up to date with new prospects and opportunities in tourism and encourage their integration in European programmes. To this end, the STB started a systematic and one-stop information service to provide information on the possibilities for applying for grants and soft loans for tourism-related activities at home and across Europe.

Information on Current Slovenian and European Tenders Now Available on Slovenian Tourist Board Business Web Site

Slovenian and European incentives give tourism an opportunity to receive additional funding for the implementation of projects aimed at developing, creating or improving the quality of tourism offer as well as boosting innovation in tourism.

The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) wants to keep business entities directly or indirectly connected to tourism up to date with new prospects and opportunities in tourism and encourage their integration in European programmes. To this end, the STB started a systematic and one-stop information service to provide information on the possibilities for applying for grants and soft loans for tourism-related activities at home and across Europe.
Information on current Slovenian and European tenders, to be updated weekly, is published on the STB business web site at (the page is currently available only in English). The list contains tenders that are either directly or indirectly (applicable mostly to research and development, where tourism often assumes the role of the project developer and/or end user) related to tourism.
The list is provided for information purposes only. Please be advised to get the original tender documentation before submitting your tender application. The original documentation contains contact information of the tendering authority and national coordinators of individual programmes in Slovenia (in case of European programmes).
On the same web site, in the useful links and documents section, visitors can also get all the key strategic tourism development and marketing documents and programmes (Marketing Strategy of Slovenian Tourism in the 2007–2011 Period, development and marketing strategies for individual tourism products, surveys and analyses, annual work programmes at the STB, development activities currently underway and other information relevant to project development and tender applications). We will also keep an eye out for European project developers looking for partners registered in European partner databases and keep you posted about upcoming opportunities.
Hoping your business will benefit from the information provided, we look forward to your feedback regarding the info service.

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Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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