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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

European Funding for Slovenian Tourism Development Projects


European Funding for Slovenian Tourism Development Projects

The National Tourist Association and the International Tourism Institute have for a number of years been actively involved in various EU schemes through tourism-related projects. This year the two institutions registered as many as four new projects, and this number is expected to increase by the end of the year.

The National Tourist Association and the International Tourism Institute have for a number of years been actively involved in various EU schemes through tourism-related projects. This year the two institutions registered as many as four new projects, and this number is expected to increase by the end of the year.

Tenders for investments in tourism infrastructure, initiated in Slovenia by the Ministry of the Economy, are well known among the Slovenian tourism industry professionals, whereas funding under European schemes for implementing development, educational, and innovative projects is less often acquired. Despite the fact that none of the schemes are dedicated exclusively to tourism, the National Tourist Association (NTA) and the International Tourism Institute (ITI) have successfully tapped into schemes that indirectly stimulate the development of higher quality tourism offer. This year both institutions, which have together implemented more than 10 European projects, registered four new European projects in the field of tourism: CAPACities (Competitiveness Actions and Policies for Alpine Cities), CROSSCULTOUR (Cross Marketing Strategies for Culture and Tourism for more Attractiveness and Competitiveness for Cities and Regions), SETCOM (Sustainable Energy in Tourism Dominated Communities), and the Development of Tourism Offer for People with Special Needs. The results of all the projects are intended for the tourism industry and tourist organisations as well as municipalities, local tourist boards, and companies.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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