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Zgodbe iz Slovenije

Slovenian Tourism Presented in Russia


Slovenian Tourism Presented in Russia

On Wednesday, 22 October 2008, the Slovenian Tourist Board held the 2nd Tourism Workshop in Moscow, attracting more than 80 stakeholders (roughly 40 Slovenian and 40 Russian tourist businesses) and journalists from four specialised Russian travel & tourism magazines.

On Wednesday, 22 October 2008, the Slovenian Tourist Board held the 2nd Tourism Workshop in Moscow, attracting more than 80 stakeholders (roughly 40 Slovenian and 40 Russian tourist businesses) and journalists from four specialised Russian travel & tourism magazines.

Russian businesses are increasingly familiar with what Slovenian tourism has to offer, which was immediately apparent at this year's workshop too. Interest in Slovenia among Russian tourists is growing year by year, and an impressive number of Russian businesses already offer Russian-language travel brochures with information on Slovenian tourism. The workshop was attended predominantly by Russian businesses which already market special forms of tourism (medicine and health resorts, individual tourism with tailored programmes, etc.) and now want to bring their cooperation with Slovenian health resorts and tourism providers to a higher level. What is more, there were also some businesses at the workshop that were interested in starting cooperation with the Slovenian tourism industry.
The participants were first addressed by Mr Zlatko Adlešič, Councillor for Economic Affairs at the Slovenian Embassy in Moscow, who walked them through the procedure for obtaining a visa and presented the possibilities for accreditation of tourist organisations with the Slovenian Embassy in Moscow. Next on the agenda was the presentation of Slovenia and its tourism offer, followed by one-to-one meetings between the workshop participants. The workshop over, most of the participants highlighted the excellent organisation of the event.

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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