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Family holidays back in trend


Family holidays back in trend

With pennies tight, many Brits are re-evaluating their holiday plans. Afraid of missing out on the summer sun but conscious of cash, many young adults will be piggybacking their parents’ holiday plans this year - with over one in 10 (11 per cent) joining a family holiday funded by their parents, according to research from

With pennies tight, many Brits are re-evaluating their holiday plans. Afraid of missing out on the summer sun but conscious of cash, many young adults will be piggybacking their parents’ holiday plans this year - with over one in 10 (11 per cent) joining a family holiday funded by their parents, according to research from

Over a quarter (28 per cent) of British adults have previously been on a family holiday where parents have picked up some, or all, of the tab. And whilst the majority (31 per cent) of those young adults holidaying with their parents get treated to the odd meal out or a daily excursion, staggeringly, over a quarter (27 per cent) admits their entire break is funded by the Bank of Mum and Dad.
When comparing the research by age of respondents, it indicates this is a rising trend among the younger generation of British adults. Where just one in six (16 per cent) of over-55s holidayed at their parents’ expense after reaching the age of 18, and just over a quarter (26 per cent) of 35-54 year olds admit to having done so in the past, there is a sharp rise in this tendency among 18-34 year olds. Yet, almost half (42 per cent) of 18-34 year olds admit they have taken advantage of their parents’ offer of a free or subsidised holiday in the past.
Bob Atkinson, travel expert at, said: “We’ve already seen members of the Boomerang Generation return to their family homes for financial reasons, and now we’re seeing a Piggyback Generation take further advantage of their parents’ willingness to spend money on them.

Best value holiday destinations for 2009 suggested by are:
1. UK
2. Turkey
3. Egypt
4. Tunisia
5. Thailand
6. Iceland
7. Morocco
8. Bulgaria
9. South Africa
10. Canada

Urednica TTA novic:

mag. Livija Kovač Kostantinovič, domači PR
tel.: 01 589 85 65
e-naslov: livija.kovac(at)

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