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Brda and Wine 2025

Brda and Wine 2025

BRDA & VINO Spring Festival The »BRDA & VINO« spring festival has a long tradition. A few years ago, it was considered mainly a wine event for wine lovers, but in recent years it has evolved. The festival has grown into one of the largest wines and culinary events

BRDA & VINO Spring Festival

The »BRDA & VINO« spring festival has a long tradition. A few years ago, it was considered mainly a wine event for wine lovers, but in recent years it has evolved. The festival has grown into one of the largest wines and culinary events in Brda. Simply prepared dishes have been replaced by original and sophisticated cuisine that goes together with top quality Brda wines.

The location remains the beautifully preserved medieval village of Šmartno which is in the geographical centre of Brda. More selected restaurants from Slovenia and almost all winemakers from Brdawill present their offering behind the scenery of the old fort walls. Rich gastronomic offer will be further enriched by providers of boutique products, such as homemade jams, olive oil, lavender products and other artisanal produce.

Duration: 12 PM – 7 PM

Information and reservation:

  • brdainvino@gmail.com
  • agencija-marica.si
  • info@sanmartin.si
  • brdainvino.si

Information about accommodation:tic@brda.si


E: taxi.brda@live.com
T: +386 51 366 182

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