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Robert Šimrak: Purgatory

08. 02. 2025 - 12. 03. 2025
Ljubljana (открыть в новом окне)
События в области культуры, Ярмарки, экономические и рекламные выставки
Более подробная информация о: Robert Šimrak: Purgatory(открыть в новом окне)

Robert Šimrak: Purgatory

Robert Šimrak, a painter, graphic artist, and educator, blends digital media, classical painting, and social critique in his work. His art often explores the impact of technology on contemporary society, using visual symbols like advertisements and religious imagery to make powerful artistic statements. Recently, Šimrak has returned to painting, addressing dystopian themes in a post-apocalyptic world. His works, both monumental and subtly ironic, invite reflection on the role of art in the digital age.

Robert Šimrak, a painter, graphic artist, and educator who has been an associate professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb since 2006, skillfully combines elements of digital media, classical painting, and socio-critical reflection in his work.

His oeuvre is deeply rooted in a dialogue between mass media and art, transforming visual symbols such as comic strips, advertising images, religious motifs, and corporate logos into powerful artistic statements.

Šimrak’s works, which are both monumental and subtly ironic, offer a critical perspective on the impact of technology on contemporary society while inviting us to reflect on the role of art in the digital age.

Following an extensive exploration of digital techniques, he has recently returned to painting, addressing dystopian themes of a post-apocalyptic world.

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