Piccola di dimensioni, grande per il carattere straordinario

La Slovenia è una vera perla al centro dell’Europa. Pochi paesi al mondo riuniscono in un’area così piccola tanta geografica, cultura e biodiversità. Al crocevia del mondo alpino, pannonico, mediterraneo e carsico vivono persone con una grande ispirazione, che si tratti di innovazione economica, creatività artistica, successi sportivi o maestria gastronomica.

La Slovenia è un paese verde, attivo e sano, un mondo di esperienze uniche a 5* e autenticità. È la Regione gastronomica europea 2021, dove si intrecciano i diversi gusti delle regioni slovene, la cucina tradizionale e quella moderna. È un paese che è tra i più sicuri al mondo e ci tiene a preservare i suoi doni per le generazioni future.

La Slovenia all’EXPO 2020 Dubai

La Slovenia si presenterà a Dubai con il motto Slovenia. Green and Smart Experience, sottolineando il lato sostenibile, moderno e creativo del nostro carattere. In primo piano saranno le storie del connubio tra natura incontaminata e conoscenza e innovazione. Attraverso presentazioni multimediali, presenterà i suoi principali punti di forza – da quegli angoli del nostro paese di cui siamo particolarmente orgogliosi, alle esperienze originali per creare ricordi indimenticabili.


Seguite gli eventi nel padiglione sloveno a EXPO 2020 Dubai

I temi principali di EXPO 2020 sono mobilità, opportunità e sostenibilità. Questi temi saranno seguiti nel padiglione sloveno, dove prepareranno varie presentazioni, eventi ed esperienze con un tocco sloveno.

Visita il sito web

La Slovenia si presenta – workshop turistici nel padiglione sloveno

Ogni regione slovena ha le sue peculiarità. In quattro workshop turistici organizzati dall’Organizzazione turistica slovena nel padiglione sloveno all’EXPO Dubai, i partecipanti potranno conoscere l’offerta turistica delle singole regioni. Nell’ambito dei workshop saranno preparate anche interessanti esperienze legate al carattere di una particolare regione. 

Quattro mondi collegati in uno

In Slovenia, in un giorno potete godere di vedute maestose dalle vette alpine e del fascino del mondo marino, i benefici delle acque salutari e la vastità dei boschi verdi. Solo pochi passi vi separano dai centri cittadini al verde della natura.

Alpine Slovenia

Alpine Slovenia, at the heart of the mountains, along lakes and rivers. Visit Triglav National Park, Bled, Bohinj, Kranjska Gora and the Soča Valley.

Alpine Slovenia

Alpine Slovenia


Ljubljana & Central Slovenia

Liveliness of the capital and nature hikes – to primeval forests.

Ljubljana & Central Slovenia

Ljubljana & Central Slovenia


The Mediterranean & the Karst in Slovenia

Enjoy the warmth of the seaside sun caressing your skin or descend to the mysterious world of underground caves.

The Mediterranean & the Karst in Slovenia

The Mediterranean & the Karst in Slovenia


Thermal Pannonian Slovenia

Pannonian Slovenia – a place to relax in natural spas, try prekmurska gibanica and meet the storks.

Thermal Pannonian Slovenia

Thermal Pannonian Slovenia


I motivi principali per visitare la Slovenia

La Slovenia è una destinazione unica e votata alla sostenibilità che entusiasma tutto l’anno con l’opportunità di fare esperienze su misura per singoli individui, coppie, gruppi di amici o famiglie. Scoprite perché la Slovenia ispira i viaggiatori e i media di tutto il mondo e trovate idee per la vostra prossima vacanza da sogno.


Bosco, acqua e legno

Il padiglione sloveno, progettato dallo studio di architettura Magnet design, presenterà in 1.550 m2 gli elementi chiave che rendono la Slovenia così speciale. È progettato come un’oasi verde galleggiante sulla superficie dell’acqua, coperta da un ombrellone in legno, e illustra l’impegno della Slovenia per la sostenibilità e un alto grado di innovazione e flusso di conoscenza.

Visita il sito web

Bosco verde – un impegno per lo sviluppo sostenibile

La sostenibilità in Slovenia si scrive con la lettera maiuscola. Principalmente perché ci impegniamo da molti anni per preservare le risorse naturali e culturali per le generazioni future. La Slovenia è stato il primo paese al mondo a diventare per intero una destinazione verde globale. Seguite il suo percorso.

Take a tour through our green story

Watch the interactive video and get to know some of the most interesting facts and green stories that reveal the sustainable path of Slovenia.

Riproduci il video interattivo

Take a tour through our green story

Take a tour through our green story

Watch the interactive video and get to know some of the most interesting facts and green stories that reveal the sustainable path of Slovenia.

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A green story of Slovenia

A green story of Slovenia

Slovenia is a pioneer in the field of strategic sustainable tourism development on a national level. Over 280 Slovenian destinations and tourism service providers have successfully obtained the Slovenia Green label, which reflects their sustainable approach and responsible behaviour towards the environment. Discover your favourite green corners and experiences and join us in creating a better future.

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Green & Safe

Green & Safe

We are aware that travel habits have changed over the past year, which is why we have decided to focus even more on sustainability and safety. When planning your next visit to Slovenia, keep an eye out for the Green&Safe label. The label testifies to our sustainable direction and high health and hygiene standards, among the first in the world to be acknowledged by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), which awarded us the Safe Travels Stamp.

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How to visit Slovenia in a green way

How to visit Slovenia in a green way

We pride ourselves on our unspoilt nature and rich cultural heritage, which we actively protect for the generations to come. We encourage you to help us in achieving this. Follow the green guidelines for ensuring sustainable behaviour before, during, and after your visit to Slovenia, so as to have a positive impact on the natural environment and local communities.

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Slovenia’s green steps towards a sustainable future

Slovenia’s green steps towards a sustainable future

We are proud that Slovenia ranks among the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. By implementing a number of green projects, we are making sure that it stays that way. We prioritise sustainable approaches in various areas of development, such as energy, transport, waste management, water resources management, biodiversity and tourism development.

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Acqua – il flusso della purezza e delle idee

La Slovenia è uno dei paesi europei più ricchi per quanto riguarda il numero di risorse idriche. Rispetto ai paesi sviluppati, la qualità dell’acqua in Slovenia è ai massimi livelli. Ha quasi 30.000 km di corsi d’acqua, numerosi laghi e anche acque sotterranee. La parte orientale della Slovenia è ricca di sorgenti minerali e termali che hanno un effetto benefico sulla salute e sul benessere. Quasi ovunque in Slovenia si può bere l’acqua del rubinetto e il diritto all’acqua potabile è addirittura sancito dalla costituzione.

Waters of Slovenia

In Slovenia, water is everywhere you go. Picturesque lakes, sparkling rivers, mighty waterfalls and mysterious underground currents that have carved out a subterranean world are like a magnet that you'll find hard to resist. The beauty of the surrounding landscape is mirrored in them.

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Waters of Slovenia

Waters of Slovenia

In Slovenia, water is everywhere you go. Picturesque lakes, sparkling rivers, mighty waterfalls and mysterious underground currents that have carved out a subterranean world are like a magnet that you'll find hard to resist. The beauty of the surrounding landscape is mirrored in them.

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Feel the power of healing waters

Feel the power of healing waters

Slovenia is a land of healthy waters. Unique thermal and mineral waters have been proven to have positive effects on health and well-being. They aid recovery from various injuries and illnesses. They are also used to great effect in some wellness programmes. It is therefore definitely worth experiencing their natural healing properties.

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Top water activities

Top water activities

Slovenian waters are amazing and perfect for active experiences. The crystal clear waters will make you want to enjoy all kinds of experiences. Rivers, lakes and the sea are perfect for rowing, swimming, fishing and other adventures that will thrill and refresh you.

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Thermal spa and health resorts

Thermal spa and health resorts

Slovenian thermal spa and health resorts offer everything you need to relax and strengthen your health. They are located in the green environment from which they use the best raw materials to provide beneficial effects. With help from various experts, you will get exactly what you need. In a completely safe and responsible way.

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Pour yourself a glass of drinking water anywhere in Slovenia

Pour yourself a glass of drinking water anywhere in Slovenia

In Slovenia, water is "law". The preserved nature and a concern for clean waters allow us to drink water from the tap. Anywhere. Our right to drinking water is even enshrined in our constitution. Slovenian waters also have special powers. Mineral and thermal springs are a rich source of health.

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Setaccio in legno – innovazione ed eccezionalità slovena

Una nazione di appena due milioni di persone ha al suo interno molte persone che si distinguono per i loro risultati e innovazione. Che si tratti di innovazione economica, scienza, sport, cultura o gastronomia, in tutti i settori troverete sloveni eccezionali ai vertici europei e mondiali.

Top experiences that you need to put on your bucket list

Slovenia is not only a country famous for its beauty and diversity of landscape in a small area, but also for unforgettable experiences that you will find nowhere else. Take a detour from the well-trodden paths and treat yourself to a different adventure, be it in towns or in nature.

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Top experiences that you need to put on your bucket list

Top experiences that you need to put on your bucket list

Slovenia is not only a country famous for its beauty and diversity of landscape in a small area, but also for unforgettable experiences that you will find nowhere else. Take a detour from the well-trodden paths and treat yourself to a different adventure, be it in towns or in nature.

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Unique accommodation in Slovenia

Unique accommodation in Slovenia

When your legs get heavy, it’s time to rest. But not just anywhere. Unique glamping and camping sites take you closer to the stars and nature. In neat rural houses and farms, you will experience the idyll of countryside. For more glamorous accommodation, choose elegant villas or romantic castles. Let the comfort lull you to pleasant and relaxing sleep.

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Follow the Michelin stars to Slovenia

Follow the Michelin stars to Slovenia

The fact that Slovenia has excellent cuisine was also noticed by the global gastronomic giant Michelin. The guide's inspectors have been discovering the quality of selected restaurants and evaluating their offer. Would you like to know what Slovenian stars are there in the Michelin sky?

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Slovenia has a sporting heart

Slovenia has a sporting heart

Slovenia is a nation of top-class athletes. We are a true phenomenon when it comes to the number of medals and achievements per capita. There are many reasons why this is so – from the natural gifts to our character.

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For beautiful and unique memories of your holiday

For beautiful and unique memories of your holiday

Take a piece of Slovenia home with you. Choose unique Slovenian crafts and arts products, culinary delicacies and unique souvenirs to remind you of your visit to Slovenia.

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Bee the future – unendo i passi per un futuro migliore per tutti

Cosa potete fare per un futuro migliore per tutti? Vi offriamo una delle soluzioni a portata di mano. Unitevi al movimento #BeeTheFuture che trae ispirazione dalle api per un’azione responsabile, interdipendente e sostenibile. Scoprite un’app speciale che vi consente di inserire automaticamente promemoria giornalieri di ciò che potete fare nel vostro calendario personale per migliorare il domani

Bee the Future

La Slovenia agli occhi dei media mondiali

Le voci sulla gemma verde al centro dell’Europa si sono diffuse anche nelle redazioni dei principali media turistici di fama mondiale e altri che hanno incluso la Slovenia nel suo insieme, o sue singole parti, nelle loro liste di destinazioni e prodotti degni di attenzione. Vi interessa sapere cosa li ha attratti di più in Slovenia?


Un paese di esperienze attive

La natura pittoresca ci invita all’aria aperta e il terreno vario offre opportunità per molte attività. Le più popolari e anche le più seguite sono l’escursionismo e il ciclismo. In estate ci piace divertirci dentro e sull’acqua, e in inverno sulla neve.

Un paese di esperienze termali

La Slovenia ha molte sorgenti di acque minerali e termali che hanno molti effetti positivi sulla salute e sul benessere. Oltre alle acque salutari, ci sono altri fattori naturali che vengono utilizzati con profitto nelle terme e nei centri termali naturali della Slovenia - per promuovere la salute o semplicemente per coccolarsi.

Why choose Slovenian spas?

Slovenian spas and health resorts offer everything you need to relax and strengthen your health. They are located in green nature, which provides the best raw materials that bring you beneficial effects. A team of experts will help you get exactly what you need in a perfectly safe and responsible way.

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Why choose Slovenian spas?

Why choose Slovenian spas?

Slovenian spas and health resorts offer everything you need to relax and strengthen your health. They are located in green nature, which provides the best raw materials that bring you beneficial effects. A team of experts will help you get exactly what you need in a perfectly safe and responsible way.

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Be pampered and cared for in Slovenian spas and health resorts

Be pampered and cared for in Slovenian spas and health resorts

Slovenian natural spas and their traditions have always been associated with the preservation and restoration of health. In recent decades, through integration in the environment, natural factors, and a modern, professional approach, they have become world-renowned venues for relaxation and discovering the path to oneself.

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Water experiences in spas

Water experiences in spas

Fun is also on the menu in Slovenian thermal spas. Thermal water parks invite you with their thrilling water slides, fast and slow rivers and other attractions that spice up the day for all generations. In addition to swimming and massage pools, many of them also have saunas and wellness centres where you can find a cosy corner in which to relax.

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Selfness – dedicate your time to yourself

Selfness – dedicate your time to yourself

Everything starts with yourself, which is why it is important that you feel well in your own skin. Selfness experiences will help you rediscover yourself comprehensively and establish an internal balance.

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Improve your well-being in natural health resorts

Improve your well-being in natural health resorts

Natural health resorts in Slovenia dedicate themselves comprehensively to easing various ailments and diseases, and to preventive therapies. Experts in various fields will recommend treatment tailored to your needs and help you on your way towards improving your health.

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La Slovenia nella vostra lista di viaggio

Ci sono così tante cose che vale la pena provare in Slovenia! Basta aprire gli occhi e il cuore e una favola meravigliosa può prendere vita davanti a voi e vi piacerà ricordarla a lungo.

Top 10 sights

Must-see attractions in green Slovenia!

Top 10 sights


Discover nature

Feel the beneficial effects of the green natural environment in Slovenia.

Discover nature


Spas and health resorts

Rest, relax and enjoy the soothing power of thermal waters and wellness treatments.

Spas and health resorts

Spas and health resorts


Arts and Culture

Slovenia boasts a rich cultural tradition.

Arts and Culture


The beekeeping traditions and honey experiences of Slovenia

Learn about the rich tradition of beekeeping in Slovenia and enjoy beekeeping experiences for all your senses.

The beekeeping traditions and honey experiences of Slovenia


Where to stay

From luxury hotels to tourist farms, from private rooms to camping grounds. An exclusive offer of glamping accommodation or staying at the vineyard cottages. In Slovenia, you will find accommodation to suit every budget and every taste.

Where to stay


Stories from Slovenia

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