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Storie dalla Slovenia

AUSI FIS Ski World Cup - 64th Vitranc Cup 2025

AUSI FIS Ski World Cup - 64th Vitranc Cup 2025

Alpine skiing competition of the AUDI FIS FIS World Cup for men. The giant slalom competition will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025 and Sunday, March 2, 2025, with the start at 09:30 (first run) and 12:30 with the final run.

Alpine skiing competition of the AUDI FIS FIS World Cup for men. The giant slalom competition will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025 and Sunday, March 2, 2025, with the start at 09:30 (first run) and 12:30 with the final run. The competition takes place at the Podkoren ski range. On Saturday, March 1, 2025, in Kranjska Gora, as part of the Vitranc Cup, the largest Slovenian Après-Ski party will take place with a public draw of start numbers for Sunday's slalom.

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