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Storie dalla Slovenia

With Young Guides Through LGBTIQ+ Ljubljana

03. 03. 2025 alle 16:00
Ljubljana (apri in una nuova finestra)
Le altre manifestazioni
25 February at 4:00 PM, around Ljubljana city centre (starting location will be shared with registered participants) – Tour in Slovene. 3 March at 4:00 PM, around Ljubljana city centre (
Ulteriori informazioni su: With Young Guides Through LGBTIQ+ Ljubljana(apri in una nuova finestra)

With Young Guides Through LGBTIQ+ Ljubljana

Take a stroll through Ljubljana with young LGBTIQ+ guides and, in the spirit of LUV Festival 2024, uncover the history and current activism of the LGBTIQ+ community. This two-hour tour at a relaxed pace takes you to iconic locations that have shaped the fight for rights, revealing the colourful side of the capital. Join us and discover a different, inspiring story of Ljubljana!


About the organiser:

Since 2015, the Ljubljana Pride Association has been offering guided LGBTIQ+ tours for festival guests to educate them about the history and current state of LGBTIQ+ activism in Ljubljana and Slovenia. These tours are organised in collaboration with LGBTIQ+ organisations and activists who have contributed to the fight for rights over the past 20 years.

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ALMA,<br>la guida virtuale
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