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Storie dalla Slovenia

Ensemble Dissonance

Ensemble Dissonance

At the Ensemble Dissonance concert, young composers from the Ljubljana Academy of Music will present works that explore new musical paths. The event will highlight their artistic potential, developed through international experience and recognized awards.

Composers: Eva Ostanek Miha Rajterič, Simon Kravos Miha Nahtigal Maj Brinovec Lan Podletnik Ašič

A Slovene instrumental ensemble focused on the performance of contemporary music, Ensemble Dissonance, with a reputation for excellence and interpretative brilliance that extends far beyond the borders of its homeland, brings together some of Slovenia’s most prominent instrumentalists and internationally acclaimed artists. The fundamental mission of the ensemble, whose thoughtfully designed artistic events guarantee innovative programmes, is to achieve the highest level of chamber performance and, in this way, to broaden knowledge of this musical genre and increase its prestige. It is to this end that new works are constantly being created. While the emphasis is on domestic composers, the ensemble also frequently collaborates with some of the most prestigious names from around the world.

The ensemble devotes particular attention to young, less established – or not yet established – composers. This is also the central theme of the upcoming concert, which will consist of new works by students of composition at the Ljubljana Academy of Music. Students for whom a constant questioning of themselves and their work, the search for new paths and the opening of new horizons represent a fundamental need, and who have already demonstrated qualities that have had an international resonance. All are up-and-coming composers who, in their search for their own form of expression, have already made an impression across a variety of genre platforms. We will hear new works by Eva Ostanek and Lan Podletnik Ašič, who in 2023 honed their skills under the wing of the exceptional Ensemble Modern; Simon Kravos and Miha Nahtigal, winners of Student Prešeren Prizes in 2023; the genre-fluid Miha Rajterič; and the incisively expressive Maj Brinovec.

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