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Storie dalla Slovenia

Hit Parade di musica popolare 2025

15. 11. 2025 alle 20:00
Bled, Sport Hall Bled (apri in una nuova finestra)
I festival, Le manifestazioni musicali
ADS - Efekt d.o.o.
Ulteriori informazioni su: Hit Parade di musica popolare 2025(apri in una nuova finestra)

Hit Parade di musica popolare 2025

Festival of Slovene Alpine music in Bled.

Unforgettable music event The dreary autumn mood in Bled is brought to life with the traditional event in November - the Folk Music Hit Parade Bled.  This popular musical event offers great atmosphere, with several world-renowned folk music ensembles from Slovenia and abroad performing. Experience this unique gathering of popular traditional Alpine music fans. The excellent food on offer adds to the enrichment of the event. The event is visited annually by several thousand visitors from Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland in the Bled Sports Hall.  

On Friday, 15.11., the band Okrogli muzikantje ("Die Runden Show") will perform in the restaurant of the Bled Rose Hotel. The event will last from 20.00 to 23.00, entry is possible at 19.00.

All fans of Slovene Alpine music: Welcome to Bled! 

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