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Storie dalla Slovenia

Tomaž Svete: SOPRA LO AMORE, chamber opera

Tomaž Svete: SOPRA LO AMORE, chamber opera

Tomaž Svete, composer and librettist Marin Blažević, director Iztok Kocen, conductor Kaya Tokuhisa, reciter Slovene Chamber Musical Theatre Chamber Ensemble Cast: Ana: Katja Konvalinka, soprano Arcadius: Rok Bavčar, baritone Tizba: Ireneja Nejka Čuk, mezzo-soprano Piram: Gregor Ravnik, tenor

This will be the premiere performance of Sopra lo amore, the twelfth opera by Tomaž Svete, which is at the same time the fifth operatic project created for the Slovene Chamber Music Theatre, a company that has already inspired several new works of musical theatre in Slovenia. The libretto is based on Chekhov’s classic The Lady with the Dog, in which life is portrayed in a humorous yet melancholy manner. Acting as a dramaturgical counterpoint to this story, is Ovid’s story of Pyramus and Thisbe.

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