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Storie dalla Slovenia

WTT Feeder Otočec presented by I feel Slovenia

WTT Feeder Otočec presented by I feel Slovenia

The WTT Feeder World Cup tournament will host players from over 40 countries. Let's support our best: Ana Tofant, Sara Tokić, Deni Kožul, Petar Hribar and the rest...

The WTT Feeder World Cup tournament will take place for 10 days on Otočec, the traditional location for the WTT Feeder series. This time, the tournament will host players from more than 40 countries. Let's support our best: Ana Tofant, Sara Tokić, Deni Kožul, Petar Hribar and others... who will be able to play in front of their home crowd. Of course, there will be players from China, India, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Sweden,...

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