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Histoires de Slovénie

EPIC, European Platform for the Interpretation of the 20th Century

09. 05. 2025 - 31. 12. 2025
Nova Gorica, EPIC, EPICenter, Transalpina/Trg Evrope
Région:  Méditerranée et Karst slovènes
Manifestations culturelles, Autres manifestations
Plus d informations sur :EPIC, European Platform for the Interpretation of the 20th Century(ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

EPIC, European Platform for the Interpretation of the 20th Century

EPIC is a new exhibition space in a former warehouse next to the railway station.

EPIC will host a permanent collection on the complexities of twentieth-century history, from different perspectives that may not follow the dominant narratives.

It will be a space for reflecting not only on historical events, but also on current issues, human rights, and European values. A platform for dialogue that will also serve as an events venue.

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