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Histoires de Slovénie

Carnival in Cerknica - Pustoletje

02. 03. 2025
Cerknica (ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre)
Festivals, Manifestations culturelles, Événements ethnologiques, Événements de divertissement, Autres manifestations
Pust v Cerknici
+386 31 668 223
Plus d informations sur :Carnival in Cerknica - Pustoletje(ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Carnival in Cerknica - Pustoletje

Carnival in Cerknica.

The Carnival in Cerknica, also known as Butale, is famous for its impressive figures, paraded through the streets of Butale using various means of transport. This year, the Carnival in Cerknica will be especially joyful and festive as the Cerknica Carnival Society celebrates its 50th anniversary. Join us on Sunday, March 2, 2025, at precisely 12:32 PM on the streets of Cerknica!

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