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Histoires de Slovénie

Ana srčna

01. 03. 2025 à 18:00
Ljubljana (ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre)
Festivals, Événements musicaux, Manifestations culturelles
Plus d informations sur :Ana srčna(ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Ana srčna

Take a walk along the illuminated sandy path and try to find your way out of the labyrinth. Be careful not to be lured by the nymphs.

Take a stroll along the idyllic path, try to hit the target shaped like a heart, or throw your love misfortune into the burning barrel.

Do you dare to enter the love labyrinth? Be careful not to be led astray by the nymphs. Step up to the good fairy with daisies and try your luck by plucking petals: "He loves me, he loves me not..."

Would you like a photo together? A love bench will be available at the event for all lovers.

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Sauter le carrousel

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