Weekends on the edge

Fecha: 14. 09. 2024 - 06. 10. 2024 Lugar: Črni Kal, Center za obiskovalce Kraški rob Tipo: Eventos deportivos Contacto: Zavod za mladino, kulturo in turizem Koper
031 602 020
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Weekends on the edge

Join the many active adventures that await you from 14 September to 6 October at the Carst edge!

Weekends on the edge

Spend four unforgettable weekends full of adrenaline and relaxation in the heart of nature, where cycling, hiking, climbing, yoga, archery, family adventures, cave tours, safaris, gong meditation, guided exercise, workshops, cultural programme, outdoor cinema, concerts and much more await you. Visit the new Kraški Rob Visitor Centre and explore an incredible array of events and activities designed for every adventurer.

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