Summer in roses

Fecha: 29. 05. 2024 - 31. 10. 2024 Lugar: Volčji Potok, Arboretum Volčji Potok Tipo: Eventos culturales, Otros eventos Contacto: Arboretum Volčji Potok
00386 1 8312 345
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Summer in roses

So attractive are they that photographers with sweaty foreheads, researchers with notes carefully recording their findings and painters looking for inspiration walk around their beds. Awaken in them your passion for the beauty that roses have in abundance.

Summer in roses

The colourful petals caress the eyes and the intoxicating scent awakens the senses. Wrapped in greenery and protected by thorns, they await admirers. The summer sun prompts them to open their blossoms and gently unfurl in intoxicating beauty. So attractive are they that photographers with sweaty foreheads, researchers with notes carefully recording their findings and painters looking for inspiration walk around their beds. Awaken in them your passion for the beauty that roses have in abundance. The Volčji Potok Arboretum has several rose plantations. The largest is the Upper Rosarium above the administration building, followed by the Lower Rosarium on the edges of the outer parterre, the collection of Pope's roses in a separate rosarium near the entrance, the themed collection of roses in pots, the Rose Garden of Maria Auersperg Attems, on the south side of the harbour, and the Garden of Slovenian Roses and the Garden of Famous Roses in the north courtyard of the harbour. Each of the rose gardens is planted according to its own key for the selection of rose varieties and growth. In total, there are almost 1,200 different rose varieties in the Volčji Potok Arboretum.

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