Stories from Slovenia

Let us tell you a story about green Slovenia

Between mighty peaks and sea waves, between vast forests and healthy waters, a green heart is beating in the middle of Europe - Slovenia! Once you feel its vibes, you will carry them within you forever. Slovenians are proud of their green country and their respect for the natural and cultural heritage is reflected in their way of thinking, living and working. Follow us on the green path to preserve all these priceless treasures for future generations. Be also a part of the story of green Slovenia!

Do you feel the beat of a green heart?

Listen to the green story of Slovenia, hidden in many places of this small country. Our concern is focused on the preservation of natural and cultural treasures. We like to share our love for our beautiful green surroundings with others who value sustainable management and development. Therefore, follow the national sustainability signs Slovenia Green and also contribute to the mosaic of green and sustainable Slovenia.


My way of feeling healthy waters 

Slovenia is one of the richest European countries in terms of water resources. The abundance of water requires us to manage water resources responsibly, so it is not surprising that the right to clean drinking water is included in Slovenia's Constitution. Healthy waters, which are trapped in the thermal springs of natural health resorts and spas, also flow through the veins of the green land.

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Images of green Slovenia through the eyes of visitors

How do individuals experience the green story of Slovenia? See the top postings on the Instagram profile @feelslovenia and share with us your impressions and photos about green Slovenia at #ifeelsLOVEnia in #myway.

Stories from Slovenia

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