The author of the story "Alma M. Karlin – world traveller and "influencer" of her time":
Jerneja Jezernik, a long-time researcher of Alma M. Karlin's life and work, winner of the Slovenian PEN Centre's PEN 2023 Mira Prize for Alma M. Karlin's research, journalistic and literary work. Professor of Slovenian and German. Author of the first monograph on the life and work of Alma M. Karlin "Alma M. Karlin, državljanka sveta" (Alma M. Karlin Citizen of the World) (Mladinska knjiga 2009), the monograph "Nisem le napol človek: Alma M. Karlin in njeni moški" (I'm Not Only Half a Human: Alma M. Karlin and Her Men) (Sanje, 2016), and the author of the first German-language biography of Alma "Alma M. Karlin: Mit Bubikopf und Schreibmaschine um die Welt" (Drava, 2020), which is one of the 30 best books of the Hotlist 2020 of independent German, Austrian and Swiss publishers. She is the translator of 17 of Alma's books into Slovenian and the author of their accompanying texts. Editor and publisher of 7 of Alma’s books for the German-speaking area (publishing houses Aviva in Berlin and Drava in Klagenfurt). Translator, editor and author of the accompanying texts of 8 books in the "Z Almo v svet" (With Alma into the World) series. Co-author of the exhibition "Peš po domačih krajih" (On Foot around Local Places) (2023), which toured from Celje to the area in front of the Cankarjev dom centre, and as a travelling exhibition in more than ten places in Slovenia. Expert contributor to the exhibition "Alma Maximiliana Karlin - Schriftstellerin" (2023) at the Frankfurt Haus am Dom, and expert guide to the exhibition. Assistant for the arrangement of Alma M. Karlin's legacy at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
The story is based on the above-mentioned publications in Slovenian and German, on unpublished material held in the Manuscript Collection of the National and University Library under no. Ms 1872 and in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, and on testimonies of persons who were connected to Alma M. Karlin through their relatives which are kept in the author's personal archive.
Additional sources used (in alphabetical order of authors):
- Alma M. Karlin: Die Wanderbücher : zu Fuß durch das Slowenien der 1930er Jahre (Klagenfurt : Drava, cop. 2023)
- Alma M. Karlin: Peš po domačih krajih: popotni dnevniki 1934-1936 (On Foot around Local Places: travel diaries 1934-1936) (Celje : Celje Society of St Hermagoras: Society of St Hermagoras, 2023)
- Alma M. Karlin: Ein Mensch wird: auf dem Weg zur Weltreisenden (Berlin: Aviva, 2018)
- Alma M. Karlin: Einsame Weltreise (Berlin : Aviva, 2022)
- Alma M. Karlin: Dann geh ich in den grünen Wald : Meine Reise zu den Partisanen (Klagenfurt : Drava, cop. 2021)
- Alma M. Karlin: Dediči luči (Heirs of the Light) : the first collection of poems by Alma M. Karlin (Ljubljana : J. Jezernik Publishing, 2019)
- Alma M. Karlin: Ženskam, ki sem jih srečala (To the Women I Met) (Ljubljana : J. Jezernik Publishing, 2019)
- Alma M. Karlin: Sama: iz otroštva in mladosti (Celje: In lingua, 2010)
- Alma M. Karlin: Samotno potovanje v daljne dežele: tragedija ženske (A Solitary Journey to Distant Lands: the tragedy of a woman (Celje : Society of St Hermagoras : Celje Society of St Hermagoras, 2006)
- Thea Schreiber Gamelin: Dvoje življenj – en cilj (Two Lives - One Goal) (Celje : Celje Society of St Hermagoras : Society of St Hermagoras, 2016)
Barbara Trnovec: Kolumbova hči, življenje in delo Alme M. Karlin (Columbus's Daughter, the Life and Work of Alma M. Karlin) (Celje : Regional Museum, 2015)
More about Alma M. Karlin's published and unpublished works also on the pages of the Celje Central Library.