Sports disciplines

Hockey In line Basketball Football Beach volleyball Handball Athletics Tennis Rolling


Športni park Brajda obsega atletski in nogometni stadion, manjše pomožno nogometno igrišče, večnamensko igrišče, zunanje košarkarsko igrišče, igrišče za odbojko na mivki, pumptrack, teniški igrišči in spremljajoče objekte. Atletski stadion ima šest 400-meterskih tekaških stez ter skakališča z napravami za skok v daljavo, troskok, skok v višino in skok s palico. Atletsko metališče omogoča vadbo meta kopja in diska in kladiva. Nogometni stadion ima glavno (108 m x 68 m) in pomožno nogometno igrišče. Tribuna ima 500 sedežev, pod tribuno so večnamenski prostori s štirimi garderobami. Večnamensko športno igrišče je prekrito s plastično podlago in omogoča igranje košarke (dve polji), inline hokeja in drugih ekipnih športov. Zunanje košarkarsko igrišče z dvema košema je prekrito z akrilnim premazom. Igrišče za odbojko na mivki mer 22 x 14 metrov ima mivko, certificirano za odbojko na mivki, igrišče ima tribune a 150 sedeži. V športnem parku sta tudi dve teniški igrišči.


About the destination Soča Valley

Beneath the peaks of the Julian Alps, the valley of the emerald Soča River is a paradise for all outdoor activities. In addition to adrenaline-packed water sports, hiking, cycling and other outdoor sports, you can head to the high-mountain ski resort of Kanin and to an indoor sports hall and sports park in Tolmin.

More about the destination
The nearest airports: Ljubljana 95 km / 1 h 50 min, Trst 179 km / 2 h 3 min, Benetke 173 km / 2 h 6 min
Altitude: 106 - 2679 m
Area: 990
Population: 23,460

Nearby sports hotels

  • 0 km
  • up to 1 km
  • up to 10 km
  • up to 30 km
  • up to 60 km

Explore sports facilities nearby

Let the location of your training camp or sporting event be the starting point for choosing a sports offer tailored to your needs. Broaden your horizons and discover what else the land of sports culture has to offer!

Sports agencies for organising training camps and sports events

When organising any important detail of your training camp in Slovenia (from accommodation, food, transportation, participating experts, etc.), you can rely on experienced sports agencies.

Slovenia, a top sports destination

Slovenia, a top sports destination

Welcome to the land of exceptional sports culture. Get to know the possibilities of why Slovenia is an excellent sports choice for the successful implementation of sports preparations and the organization of recreational and top sports competitions.
