Sports disciplines



Športni objekt Strelski dom je namenjen šolski športni vzgoji in športni vadbi v streljanju z zračno puško. Strelišče meri 60 m² in ima 6 strelskih mest. Objekt uporablja pretežno lokalno strelsko društvo.


Nearby sports hotels

  • 0 km
  • up to 1 km
  • up to 10 km
  • up to 30 km
  • up to 60 km

Explore sports facilities nearby

Let the location of your training camp or sporting event be the starting point for choosing a sports offer tailored to your needs. Broaden your horizons and discover what else the land of sports culture has to offer!

Sports agencies for organising training camps and sports events

When organising any important detail of your training camp in Slovenia (from accommodation, food, transportation, participating experts, etc.), you can rely on experienced sports agencies.

Slovenia, a top sports destination

Slovenia, a top sports destination

Welcome to the land of exceptional sports culture. Get to know the possibilities of why Slovenia is an excellent sports choice for the successful implementation of sports preparations and the organization of recreational and top sports competitions.
