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A 18 per cent increase in overnight stays of foreign visitors from January to the end of March


A 18 per cent increase in overnight stays of foreign visitors from January to the end of March

Ljubljana, 31 May 2018 – According to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS), tourist accommodation facilities recorded nearly 1.3 million overnight stays in the first three months, which is an increase of as much as 18 per cent[1]. In total, over 2 million overnight stays of tourists were recorded, which is an increase of 11 per cent. An increase in the number of overnight stays of domestic tourists (over 880,000 overnight stays) has also been recorded, representing a 3 per cent growth.
In the first three months of the present year 1,275,751 overnight stays of foreign tourists have been recorded, which represents an increase of 18 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year. A positive trend of growth has also been observed with regard to domestic guests, where 887,680 overnight stays have been recorded with an increase of 3 per cent.
The most important foreign markets with regard to overnight stays include Germany with an increase of 22% (nearly 73,000 overnight stays), Austria with an increase of 5% (nearly 143,000 overnight stays) and Italy with the same amount of overnight stays as last year in the first three months (over 222,000 overnight stays). An increase in overnight stays has been achieved in almost all the markets of Slovenian tourism, with the increase in overnight stays of guests from the Netherlands (+76%) standing out the most; however, growth has also been recorded for Croatia (+20%), Russia (+11%), Spain (+86%), Hungary (+36%), Serbia (+23%), United Kingdom (+17%) and France (+14%).

With regard to the good results, the Director of the Slovenian Tourist Board, Maja Pak, MSc pointed out the following: “We are pleased about the encouraging information with regard to the first quarter and we also have positive expectations for the summer season. By no means is growth a coincidence, as a lot has been invested in the development and marketing of the Slovenian tourism in the previous period. The activities before us are conducted to further improve the competitiveness of the Slovenian tourism, to achieve the desired positioning of Slovenia as a destination for five-star experiences and the realisation of the new tourism strategy measures. In the foreign markets, numerous promotional activities with emphasis on digital content marketing are taking place and on the domestic market, we are focusing on the coordination of leading destination organisations as well as the promotion of designing products with a higher added value.”

More detailed up-to-date statistical results are available on the following links of the Slovenian Tourist Board and Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS).
Until 2018, the information on the arrivals and overnight stays of tourists and on tourism capacities in Slovenia was collected by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia by means of printed questionnaires (researching Arrivals and overnight stays of tourists). In 2018, they began using new data sources. Information on accommodation facilities and their capacities will henceforth be obtained from the Register of Accommodation Facilities, information on tourist arrivals and the utilisation of tourist accommodation capacity from the eTurizem reporting system.

In the transitional period, a part of the information (for January and February 2018) will still be gained through printed questionnaires (as in the past) and a part will already be obtained from the new information sources. From March 2018 on, only the above-mentioned information sources of the Register of Accommodation Facilities and eTurizem will be used and collection via printed questionnaires will be completely abandoned after March 2018.

[1] Indexes of arrivals and overnight stays by tourists calculated for the same period as last year are UNOFFICIAL and merely informative. The information includes all the tourist accommodation facilities and does not take into account a threshold; see Methodological note.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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