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Werbe Grad Prix Bronze Award goes to Slovenian Tourist Board


Werbe Grad Prix Bronze Award goes to Slovenian Tourist Board

Last week, the Slovenian Tourist Board received the Werbe Grand Prix bronze award for the publication "Kulturstädte" (Historical Cities). This is one of the most important awards in the field of promotional materials in the German-speaking market.

Werbe Grand Prix is organized by the most important Austrian professional tourist magazine TAI (Tourist Austria International) and represents the largest competition in tourism in German-speaking countries. The evaluation takes place on two levels: by the expert jury and the public at the specialized fair Reise Salon.

The Werbe Grand Prix award proves that Slovenia is successfully and effectively using communication tools for promoting its products. In the strategy of sustainable growth of Slovenian tourism, towns and their culture are one of the ten leading products, which Slovenia will focus on in order to increase an income from the fields of tourism and create products with higher added value. 

2018-2019 are dedicated to cultural tourism. This gives additional significance and weight to the award as it proves that we are on the right track. The aim is to inspire tourists for discovering cultural heritage of Slovenia, visit lively festivals and events, and get an insight into the lifestyle of Slovenians.

The publication was designed in cooperation with the Association of Historical Cities of Slovenia. Have a look at it here


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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