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Stories from Slovenia

The winners of the 2017 Award for Innovation in Slovenian Tourism


The winners of the 2017 Award for Innovation in Slovenian Tourism

Since 2004, the Sejalec awards have been presented to the most innovative achievements in Slovenian tourism. This year the award for most creative and exciting  achievements in Slovenian tourism went to two projects – Expo Postojna Cave Karst and Fontana Zeleno zlato in Žalec.

The winners of the Sejalec award for the most creative and innovative achievements in the field of new products, processes or marketing approaches contributing to the greater visibility of Slovenian tourism for the year 2017 are the Expo Postojna Cave Karst and Fontana Zeleno zlato in Žalec.

Postojna Cave, the most visited Slovenian tourist attraction, decided to fulfil a long desire for a special dedication to the karst world. In 2015, the management opened the EXPO Postojna Cave Karst - the largest interactive exhibition about karst landscapes in the world, which gives visitors a closer look into the karst underground world and life in caves in a unique and innovative way, with analogue and digital tools which are the result of Slovenian knowledge, development, and cooperation with national professional institutions.

The Green Gold Fountain, the first beer fountain in Europe, is a story of success that inspires smaller, less-recognisable destinations. It is unique, but not self-sufficient; its manager is deliberately making sure that this latest tourist spot, based on the local hop tradition, connects tourism providers and generates a new range of tourist attractions in the region and beyond.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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