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Stories from Slovenia

It is nice everywhere - tourists and tourism in figures


It is nice everywhere - tourists and tourism in figures

Read the new publication of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia on tourism in the English language. The publication presents the basic characteristics of Slovenian tourism and at the same time shows the full range of official statistical data, which is regularly prepared by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

Today tourism is one of the strongest industries in the world, and it is gaining importance in Slovenia, too. The publication It is Nice Everywhere … presents the main characteristics of Slovene tourism, based on data collected by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.

Since 2008 the number of foreign tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Slovenia has more than doubled. In 2016 two-thirds of the residents of Slovenia went on at least one private trip. The highest number of tourist overnight stays ever was recorded in accommodation establishments in Slovenia, almost 11.2 million. In 2016 the most foreign tourists in Slovenia came from Italy; 500,000 arrivals and over 1.1 million overnight stays.

More of this and similar interesting information can be found in the publication It is Nice Everywhere …, which is available here.


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e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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