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Stories from Slovenia

Celebrate World Bee Day


Celebrate World Bee Day

The love of bees in green, active and healthy Slovenia dates far back into the past, and this passion has been passed from generation to generation for decades. Slovenia was the homeland of Anton Janša (1734-1773), a pioneer of modern beekeeping. Slovenian beekeepers celebrate the day of his birth, 20th May, and the Slovenian Beekeeper's Association have submitted an initiative for this day to be proclaimed as World Bee Day. Celebrate it in Slovenia in Laško, a Slovenian town with a strong beekeeping tradition, in Žirovnica at Anton Janša’s beehives, or treat yourself to an apitherapy session.

The Slovenian Beekeeping Holiday takes place on 20th May in Laško. Visitors will be able to sweeten up their day with many different activities, workshops, a cultural programme and tasting of products based on the beekeeping tradition of the area.

In Žirovnica near Bled you can visit Janša's Beehives. It is unique for its large hives with honeycomb frames which can be pulled out and transferred to another location. The apiary contains 78 hives, which was a very large number for that time. Made of wood and covered with spruce shingles, the building is very spacious inside and has a room designed for the disassembling, cleaning and maintenance of the various components of the hives. Nearby at Radovljica, don’t miss the largest exhibition of traditional painted beehive panels in the Apicultural Museum in Radovljica, where you can become familiar with the tradition and heritage of beekeeping in Slovenia.

Welcome to Slovenia, the land of bees!


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