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EU Eco-daisy for Terme Snovik Terme Snovik is the first Slovenian tourism company to receive the EUs environment label for tourist accommodation. Since 2003 the European Eco-label for Tourist Accommodation Services has been the official emblem of the European Union for environment-friendly tourist accommodation facilities. It was designed as recognition for tourist accommodation that respects the environment.

EU Eco-daisy for Terme Snovik

Terme Snovik is the first Slovenian tourism company to receive the EU`s environment label for tourist accommodation.

Since 2003 the European Eco-label for Tourist Accommodation Services has been the official emblem of the European Union for environment-friendly tourist accommodation facilities. It was designed as recognition for tourist accommodation that respects the environment.

In 2004 the European Commission also formulated criteria for campsites, which have been able to apply for the EU eco-label since 2005. In the eyes of the user, the eco-label on accommodation facilities should be a guarantee of environment-friendly operations, and in this way an added value (quality) for the product or service, and this should influence tourists` decisions on their choice of product or destination.

The EU eco-label for tourist accommodation can be applied for by all types of accommodation facility, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, mountain lodges, private room providers, tourist farms and campsites.
Companies that have received the EU eco-label strive for:

• reduced atmospheric pollution (caused by paints and cleaning agents containing synthetic solvents);
• more economical use of energy and other natural resources;
• less pollution of the environment and surroundings (they refuse to use pesticides, fertilisers etc.);
• the use of organically produced food for guests.

The EU eco-label for accommodation facilities is officially recognised throughout the European Union, so the marketing effects cover all of Europe.

Since its beginning in 1992, the number of recipients has been growing from year to year. By 2009 the label had been acquired by more than 750 companies, with the number reaching 840 by April 2009. In 2008 there were 230 new recipients of the label (representing a 45% increase over 2007).


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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