New promotional publication “Nature Parks of Slovenia”

Published: 3.3.2011

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New promotional publication “Nature Parks of Slovenia”

Slovenia is a country that bases its tourism services on nature. The Slovenian Tourist Board is concertedly developing green and responsible tourism, with the least possible environmental impact. Its activities here include the promotion of protected areas. An important new acquisition is the promotional publication “Natural Parks of Slovenia”, which it published at the beginning of 2011 in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

New promotional publication “Nature Parks of Slovenia”

Slovenia is a country that bases its tourism services on nature. The Slovenian Tourist Board is concertedly developing green and responsible tourism, with the least possible environmental impact. Its activities here include the promotion of protected areas. An important new acquisition is the promotional publication “Nature Parks of Slovenia”, which it published at the beginning of 2011 in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.

Within the European Union, Slovenia ranks as one of the countries with the highest biodiversity level, and with a great variety of landscape. In a relatively small area it offers an exceptional mosaic of biological and landscape diversity. This can be observed in almost 50 nature parks. Triglav National Park is the only national park, and alongside three regional parks there are also 44 nature parks. Nature parks are areas where nature preservation is at its highest, and more than ten percent of Slovenia’s entire territory falls within natural parks. The efforts to protect those areas with the greatest density of natural wealth and beauty already have a long tradition in Slovenia. Since the first initiatives at the beginning of the 20th century, the idea and need for their preservation developed right up until recent decades, when it became one of the fundamental routes for designing sustainable development in Slovenia.

In the promotional publication "Nature Parks of Slovenia" (Naravni parki Slovenije), which details 14 nature parks, you can get acquainted with some of the most attractive features and mysteries of the selected natural parks. The parks represent a bonus or super-standard in terms of tourist attractions. They offer tranquillity, relaxation, the experiencing of unspoilt nature and countless activities associated with nature. Covering 40 pages, the brochure provides information for potential visitors on park management contacts, access to parks, natural and cultural features, active break possibilities and information on special events. The brochure has been published in a print run of 120,000 copies.

We invite you to take a look at this publication. For online orders click here, otherwise you can also pick up a copy directly from Slovenian representative offices abroad.

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