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Do not miss the European Capital of Culture in May and June


Do not miss the European Capital of Culture in May and June

Dont miss the upcoming special events in Maribor, the European Capital of Culture. Only in May there are more than 400 events ... Have a look at some of the highlights from May to July.

Don`t miss the upcoming special events in Maribor, the European Capital of Culture. Only in May there are more than 400 events ... Have a look at some of the highlights from May to July.


11th – 20th May 2012, Maribor - around town, CROSSINGS (festival of independent theatre)
An international festival of the independent theatre will open its doors to performances, theatre workshops, film projections, superb dance choreography and public meetings with experts and artistic creators. Visitors will be surprised by these fresh and unusual projects, which transcend the bonds of common practice.

15th– 17th May 2012, RAZ:UM Out of the Box (Special Session with World Thinkers), Maribor - SNG Maribor and Rectorate UM
Several experts and artists will hold lectures at the conference. A special part consists of the Special Session with World Thinkers, where the Nobel Piece Prize winners will be presented, Dalajlama among others.

17th May 2012, Maribor, MARIBOR FOR PEACE - NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LAUREATES with Dalajlama, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Muhammad Yunus and Lučka Kajfež Bogataj.

19th May – 16th September 2012, Maribor – City park, THE READING ROOM IN CLEARING
It will offer free, healthy, and comfortable reading of books, magazines, and newspapers, and creative leisure in peace and comfort of green areas in Maribor, accompanied by games and creative workshops, acoustic concerts, sport activities, etc.

25th – 31st May 2012, Maribor, KLOVNBUF (festival of new circus)
Clowns have come to town for young and old! The Klovnbuf
program offers clown shows from a wide range of countries and contact with the creators. Master workshops in clown art, known as the Klovnbuf Laboratory, will educate young professionals and anyone attracted to clown art.

28th May– 1st June 2012 and 5th June – 8th June 2012, Safari Tour Maribor (city train ride)
In the show/performance "Safari Tour Maribor"- a renowned Slovenian actor will be in a stand-up comedy style acting as a guide to the city and as tourist train driver, telling interesting stories of the city and its inhabitants, spiced with elements of black comedy.


1st June 2012, Leon Štukelj Square, Maribor LAURIE ANDERSON concert, an icon of art- pop avantgarde, recognized worldwide as a groundbreaking leader in the use of technology in the arts, is coming to Maribor.

5th and 6th June 2012, Maribor - Leon Štukelj Sports Centre, CHOUF OCHOUF
Theatre performance with an acrobatic show by Martin Zimmermann in Dimitri de Perrot.

6th and 7th June 2012, Maribor – SNG (Slovene National Theatre), TAILORS OF THE WORLD (theatre - musical spectacle)
The director Dušan Jovanović in an unusual fashion show shows something already departed, but still alive. The deceased will walk on the runway, but with names and faces more alive than any other: Moses, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Mary Magdalene, Shakespeare, Elizabeth I, Leonardo da Vinci etc.

8th June 2012, Maribor – Puppet Theatre Maribor, AUDITION FOR LIFE (premiere of dance performance)
Dancing performance, an audition as a place for a meeting point between the East and West, the past and present, dance, theater, music: the Japanese dance and multimedia group Original Tempo, world-renowned Slovene dance-theatre group Betontanc and the music duo Silence.

11th June 2012, Maribor – SNG, DVANAJST (CHARLES SIMIĆ)
Within the project Twelve Charles Simić, an American-Serbian poet will be presented. He is an editor at The Paris Review magazine, winner of Pullitzer award for poetry and an American poet laureat.

12th, 13th, 14th June 2012, Maribor –Kamnica Hipodromme, (LA VOIE DE L’ÉCUYER) THE WAY OF THE RIDER
The spectacular show will include more than 30 horses from the Equestrian Arts Academy from Versaille under the French director Bartabas, to whom riding is not a sport but rather an art.

15th June 2012, Maribor –Leon Štukelj Square, IT’S 2011 AND 2012
The rock festival will celebrate its 20th anniversary during Maribor’s reign as the European Capital of Culture. The criterion for choosing performers will remain their quality, which is certainly one of the reasons why the festival has attracted more than 150,000 visitors throughout its 19 years.

22nd June – 7th July 2012, Maribor – city events, LENT FESTIVAL (multicultural events)
With more than 400 performances and half a million visitors, Lent Festival ranks among the biggest ones of a kind in Europe. It is one of the key cultural-touristic events in Slovenia and has developed into a creative beehive of different styles, art forms and methods of interaction with the audience.

22nd June – 10th July 2012, Murska Sobota – town events, MURA NARRATIVE SONGS AND ROMANCES
Pannonian music and folk songsw inspire Slovenian musicians and writers. In this purpose fourteen new songs will be created and presented on various concerts. Among others the authors will be: Vlado Žabot, Feri Lainšček, Vlado Kreslin.

22nd June – 31st August 2012, Slovenj Gradec – around town, SLOVENJ GRADEC SUMMER
The summer months will feature Slovenian and foreign orchestras and upcoming young musicians in genres such as classical music, ethno, jazz, and rock.

28th June 2012, Maribor – Stadium, EXPELLED CHAMPION (film premie;re)
The documentary about the Slovene football player Zlatko Zahovič, a legend of European football. Since he started his victorious football career in the Portuguese club Vitoria from Guimaraes, a city sharing the title of ECOC with Maribor in 2012, he is set to become an ECOC ambassador in 2012.

28th June – 1st July 2012, Novo mesto – Otočec, ROCK OTOČEC and 29th, 30th June 2012 THE MAN WITH THE BOMBS (rock opera premie;re)
One of the largest rock festivals in Slovenia with a long tradition will this year with more than 40 performing acts again attract rock fans who love to party and have fun. The concerts will be accompanied by various workshops, competitions and astonishing rock opera premie;re The man with the bombs of Anton Podbevšek Theatre with the performers, such as Laibach, Siddharta, simfonic orchestra etc.


10th July – 12th August 2012, Maribor, MIO (MARIBOR INTERNATIONAL ORCHESTRA 2012)
Consisting of more than 200 young young tallents from more than 30 countries, the Maribor International Orchestra will first present itself to the local audience in Maribor before going on to perform in front of a wider international audience.

10th July – 1st September 2012, Ptuj – around town, ART STAYS (10th Festival of Contemporary Art)
The international Festival that transforms Ptuj into a town where contemporary paintings, installations, photography, and architecture come to life through numerous workshops, exhibitions, site-specific installations, public art interventions, live stages, and performances.

20th July – 3rd August 2012, Ptuj – around town, FESTIVAL ARSANA
Music Festival with concerts of classical and non-classical music, exhibitions; music, dance and fine arts academy; summer workshops, etc. In focus: the concerts of the Perpetuum Jazzile Choir, orchestra of the summer academy participants and the chamber orchestra of professors from European music academies, etc.

23rd July – 18th August 2012, Novo mesto – around town, FOTOPUB (Festival od Documentary Photography)
Festival is an event dedicated to documentary photography, connecting photography lovers to internationally acclaimed professionals. It features a set of workshops, lectures, and screenings of photo-stories.

More on the events of Maribor 2012 – European Capital of Culture:


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