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The corporate website for the SPIRIT Slovenia public agency


The corporate website for the SPIRIT Slovenia public agency

SPIRIT Slovenia - Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia promotes entrepreneurship, innovation, development, investment and tourism in the new common corporate umbrella site that, as of now, brings together three areas: the first pillar of entrepreneurship, innovation and technological development, internationalization and other foreign direct investment, and the third which is tourism.

SPIRIT Slovenia - Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia promotes entrepreneurship, innovation, development, investment and tourism in the new common corporate umbrella site that, as of now, brings together three areas: the first pillar of entrepreneurship, innovation and technological development, internationalization and other foreign direct investment, and the third which is tourism.

The new umbrella site is designed for professional public, while each content area and their portals are fully adapted to their target audiences. Under SPIRIT Slovenia`s three pillars of action, there are six web portals and three transaction brands.

The website presents the services and activities carried out by the Agency for the implementation of development programs focusing on Slovenia with the aim of achieving innovative, technologically advanced, export-oriented, tourist-oriented and attractive destinations for foreign investors.

The new SPIRIT umbrella site is available here.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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