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Slovenia’s Top 50 mobile application


Slovenia’s Top 50 mobile application

The revamp of the website in line with the concept of responsive design has also included a content upgrade and the development of a new mobile application called Slovenia’s Top 50, which shows the 50 most popular attractions in Slovenia. The selection has been made in accordance with user statistics for the official Slovenian information portal www.slovenia.info. The purpose of the tool is to simply direct users to locations and attractions that are considered as must-sees when coming to Slovenia.

The revamp of the website in line with the concept of responsive design has also included a content upgrade and the development of a new mobile application called Slovenia’s Top 50, which shows the 50 most popular attractions in Slovenia. The selection has been made in accordance with user statistics for the official Slovenian information portal www.slovenia.info. The purpose of the tool is to simply direct users to locations and attractions that are considered as must-sees when coming to Slovenia.

For each of the 50 attractions, high-resolution photographs, a short description, a map, contact information and links to www.slovenia.info offering tourism products in its surroundings have been gathered in one place.

An important added value of the application is that it recognises the user’s current location and that it can arrange attractions by distance. Users can thus simply choose the closest and most accessible attraction. What’s more, the application offers the possibility to share content through social networks.

The Slovenia’s Top 50 mobile application is optimised for Apple iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) as well as Android and Windows 8 devices. It will be available in November. You can download it for free from the App Store, Google Play and the Windows Store.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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