Enjoy the Drava Festival

Published: 10.6.2016

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Enjoy the Drava Festival

With its diversity, multiple natural treasures and protected areas, the Drava River and its banks provide space for active and healthy leisure activities.

Enjoy the Drava Festival

With its diversity, multiple natural treasures and protected areas, the Drava River and its banks provide space for active and healthy leisure activities. Join us at Maribor for the Drava Festival from 10 to 16 June, hosting a variety of events on and along the Drava River.

Enjoy the descent down the river by boat, cycling along the Drava cycle path and the guided walks along the Drava’s banks. You’ll also be able to taste the local delicacies and get to know the traditions and customs from the diverse region of the Drava River. You’ll also have the opportunity to learn some new skills in one of the educational workshops, lectures and film screenings on offer. Events will take place during Lent in Maribor, the second biggest city in Slovenia, both by the riverside and in the park around Lake Maribor, where a “temporary beach” will be set up in time for the festival.

In addition, there will be a central event dedicated to networking ideas and companies for new development initiatives and cooperation with a view to enhancing the visibility of the entire area along the Drava as a diverse yet interrelated region. The Festival is proposing 65 different events already so far.

This festival is coordinated by the Drava Group, whose mission is to create a permanent association of stakeholders throughout the entire Drava basin in Slovenia from the Austrian to the Croatian border, with a view to prepare and implement environmental projects in the region.

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