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NEW! Evin gaj Apitherapy Centre: a buzzing celebration of nature and sustainability"


NEW! Evin gaj Apitherapy Centre: a buzzing celebration of nature and sustainability"

This week, the picturesque Evin gaj Apitherapy Centre in Zaloke opened its doors to the public in a grand ceremony. The event was attended by numerous renowned guests, with the former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, delivering the keynote address.

Jože Cemič, the visionary owner of the Evin gaj Apitherapy Centre, passionately expressed his desire for visitors to detach from electronic devices and leave the centre physically revitalized. As a testament to their commitment to apiculture, he disclosed that they have a flourishing colony of 100 beehives. However, in a surprising twist, this year's honey production amounted to a mere 200 kg, a stark contrast to the bountiful 2 tons harvested in the previous year. This is the result of sustainable approach. He also shared that it took an entire decade for the concept of the centre, which was named after his daughter Eva, to fully crystallize.

Cemič's dedication to beekeeping goes beyond profit, as he advocates for a sustainable and honest approach. He recognized the importance of economic viability, highlighting that apiturism is still a rather new activitiy in Posavje, and he and his family are pioneers in this field. He underlined the critical role of bees in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, emphasizing that without them, human existence would be at risk, as bees are now increasingly reliant on human intervention for their survival.

From left to right: Jože Cemič, Mayor of Krško Janez Kerin; MSc. Sandra Barachini, Head of the Department for Business Environment at the Directorate for Tourism, Vlado Pušnik, President of the Section of Apitherapists; and former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor.

Vlado Pušnik, president of the Section of Apitherapists, shared that apitherapy has a rich history dating back nearly 4,000 years. He mentioned the presence of 350 qualified apitherapists in Slovenia and stressed that since 2022 apitherapist is officially recognized as a profession. He said that beekeeping is "the poetry of agriculture" and called for support of ecological, natural, and chemical-free beekeeping, highlighting the exquisite "sparkling honey liquor" as the crown jewel of beekeeping.

MSc. Sandra Barachini, the head of the Business Environment Sector at the Directorate for Tourism, welcomed innovative approaches to apitourism, recognizing it as a fresh form of tourism that offers a unique and eco-friendly boutique tourist experience. She mentioned partnership with the Slovenian Tourist Board and stressed the importance of apitourism in the green economy, offering a sustainable and environmentally conscious tourism option.

More about Evin gaj

Photo credits: Posavski obzornik


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