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Celebrating Earth Day: Slovenia’s steps towards sustainability

Celebrating Earth Day: Slovenia’s steps towards sustainability

On 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated worldwide. Since Slovenia is one of the world’s most sustainable tourist destinations, this is a great opportunity to highlight the green story of Slovenia.

Slovenia is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. According to the Good Country Index, Slovenia ranks 4th among 154 countries in terms of its positive contribution to the planet and the climate. It boasts vast forests, rich biodiversity, numerous protected areas and parks, exceptional water wealth and high-quality drinking water.

When it comes to sustainability, 2016 was a milestone for Slovenia. Back then, Slovenia was the world’s first country to be declared a green destination, based on the assessment by Green Destinations. It established 96% compliance across 100 criteria. This was the moment when Slovenia was brought to the spotlight as one of the leading countries in terms of sustainable tourism, although the sustainable path of Slovenian tourism is much older. 

In fact, we could say that Slovenia is a country with a green soul. A sustainable way of living is deeply rooted in our thinking and Slovenians have long been aware that sustainability is the only right way to go, which is why it has been our priority in different development fields, from energy, transport and waste to water resource management, biodiversity, climate change adaptation and also tourism. There are numerous projects that showcase commitment to sustainability and the fact that a sustainable approach has long played an essential role in the development of Slovenian tourism. 

The most prominent project carried out by the Slovenian Tourist Board is definitely the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism, the internationally recognised and multi-awarded tool for sustainable tourism development. The SLOVENIA GREEN LABEL is a promise of a green future and it brings together all efforts directed toward the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia, offers tools to destinations and service providers that enable them to evaluate, improve and promote their sustainability endeavours. 

Today, the Scheme has more than 280 members, including destinations, accommodation providers, natural parks, tourist agencies, attractions, restaurants and beaches.

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But the Green Scheme is by far not the only project that showcases Slovenia's commitment to sustainaibility. Some of the projects and concrete steps Slovenia has made towards sustainable growth include the membership of Slovenian destinations in The international network of Mountaineering Villages. The network currently consists of almost 30 villages in Austria, Italy, Germany and Slovenia. In Slovenia, Jezersko and Luče are among them. These villages boasts tranquil mountain environments, compactness, a living mountaineering culture and an abundance of opportunities for environmentally friendly outdoor activities. 

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Another project worth mentioning is the Zero Waste Initiative: Nine Slovenian municipalities joined the Zero Waste Initiative to address the problems they have with large quantities of waste. With systematic work, the municipalities prevented the generation of about 15,000 tonnes of mixed municipal waste and thus saved more than EUR 3 million. Waste is also being minimised at a number of popular local events. Near Bled, you can visit the first Zero Waste Hotel in the middle of pristine nature.

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In light of this year's Earth Day theme, "Invest in Our Planet", the project of eliminating single-use plastic is definitely worth mentioning. A change in the mindset of providers as well as of consumers is needed and here Slovenian tourism providers and destinations, as ambassadors of sustainability, play a major role. 

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Slovenia Green, the award-winning documentary

If time allows, watch also the award-winning promotional documentary, Slovenia Green, which presents Slovenia's green story and brings you closer to the stories of locals, destination representatives and tourism providers.


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e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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