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Stories from Slovenia

The government adopts a new seven-year 2022-2028 Slovenian Tourism Strategy

The government adopts a new seven-year 2022-2028 Slovenian Tourism Strategy

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the 2022 - 2028 Slovenian Tourism Strategy, which represents the basic framework for the development of Slovenian tourism in the next seven years. The strategy responds to the new circumstances and challenges and develops and promotes the key advantages of Slovenian tourism.

A green boutique destination, with a smaller footprint and greater value for all

In order to achieve the vision of "a green boutique destination, with a smaller footprint and greater value for all", Slovenian tourism is strategically focusing on developing and marketing sustainable boutique tourism of higher quality based on Slovenian nature and cultural identity, which is a generator of higher value. The strategy is aimed at a balanced growth scenario with the "something more and much better" principle, which envisages a moderate increase in capacity and quantitative indicators and concentrates on higher quality, and added value with an emphasis on restructuring measures.

Numerous positive effects for all stakeholders are expected: satisfied local residents, motivated employees, enthusiastic visitors and care for future generations.

The strategy sets five strategic goals:

  • increase the quality, value and all-year-round tourist offer;
  • increase the satisfaction of locals, tourism employees and guests;
  • position tourism as a generator of value and sustainable development;
  • decarbonise and balance Slovenian tourism
  • ensure a competent and efficient management structure.

The strategy sets out seven policies with concrete measures:

  1. Investment and the business environment
  2. Public/common infrastructure and heritage for ensuring the tourist ambience of Slovenia
  3. Human resources that increase added value
  4. Sustainability and the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism
  5. Accessibility and sustainable mobility
  6. Destination management and tourism integration
  7. Products and marketing.

In addition, three horizontal policies are identified to support the implementation of key strategic policies:

  1. Digital transformation of Slovenian tourism,
  2. Guidance of legislative and financial policies
  3. Institutional framework and horizontal inter-ministerial and cross-sectoral governance and policy coordination.

The implementation of the strategy will have positive financial consequences arising from the basic goal of the strategy: increase added value generated in basic tourism activities by 43% from 0.92 billion euros in 2019 to 1.31 billion euros per year until 2028, assuming an average annual growth rate of 8.9%. It is estimated that together with other activities indirectly related to tourism, the total tourist demand will generate 2.1 billion euros of added value in 2028 (+59% compared to 2019) or that 11.5 billion euros of added value will be created in the entire strategic period (2022-2028). There will also be positive consequences in terms of the increase in tourist travel exports from € 2.8 billion per year (2019) to € 4 billion by 2028. It is estimated that in order to achieve the objectives of the strategy in all areas by 2028, it would be necessary to invest a total of 1.54 billion euros of public European and national funds needed to finance the implementation of measures and policy activities within the strategy. This is only a framework of necessary funds and does not constitute an obligation for the state budget. The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology will prepare an Action Plan for the implementation of the strategy every two years, which will specify the measures, which will also be properly evaluated financially.

Source: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Photo: Jošt Gantar


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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