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Stories from Slovenia

Live tourism events are back


Live tourism events are back

Before the main tourist season, the STB has intensified marketing activities and presentations at fairs, workshops and exhibitions on nearby European markets (up to 500 km) and where air connections to Slovenia are available. Special attention is given to workshops.

Next week, on April 8, a live business conference and tourism workshop with more than 40 key tour operators and travel agencies from Texas and the USA will take place in Dallas. The event will be held by the STB in cooperation with key national institutions (SPIRIT, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and other stakeholders after a successful I FEEL SLOVENIA match in Dallas. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Slovenia has been returning to the US market, which together with Canada forms the most important overseas market for 2022.

From May 29 to June 1, the Slovenian Incoming Workshop (SIW) will take place live. This is the flagship annual business event held for foreign B2B public in Slovenia. The STB has adapted the format of the event to the current situation, which is why the event is now called SIW on Boutique Tour since last year. It includes two-day boutique press trips and unique experiences, as well as formal and informal talks and meetings between foreign participants and Slovenian tourism providers.

Another major event held in Slovenia between 17 and 20 May is the highest session of the ETC and the directors of European national tourism boards. As a host, Slovenia will function as a coordinator of this important meeting.

The STB also continues to partner with the world's leading tourism associations in the field of luxury and boutique tourism.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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