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Golden Drum: Young Drummers Competition 2022 is open!

Golden Drum: Young Drummers Competition 2022 is open!

If you're younger than 30 years and creative, Slovenian Tourist Board and Golden Drum invite you to participate in the Young Drummers Competition for the best and most creative poster or video on the topic of: Hey you, be/create the future of tourism! 

This year, the aim is to find creative ideas for encouraging young people for a career in tourism and to show them that working in tourism is interesting and offers countless opportunities for growth, international exchanges and life experiences. Also, creative solutions should address young people who are in the process of deciding on their future education (primary and secondary school students). The aim is to persuade them to enroll in a high school or higher education program that educates for and promotes professions in tourism, be it in the catering industry, the hospitality industry or tourism more broadly. 

The entries for the competition are now open and will run until 5 August 2022. The author of the best poster or poster series/video or video series will be awarded 1,000 EUR* prize by the Slovenian Tourist Board and Golden Drum Festival. The Golden Drum Festival will also grant the winner a free pass to attend the Golden Drum Day and Golden Drum Awards Show on 23 September 2022, where the winner will also be brought to the spotlight.  

Find further information here. 



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