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MSc. Maja Pak continues to be the director of the Slovenian Tourist Board


MSc. Maja Pak continues to be the director of the Slovenian Tourist Board

Also in the next five years, Slovenian Tourist Board will be led by MSc. Maja Pak, who puts sustainable and digital transformation of Slovenian tourism, the strengthening of Slovenia's position as a green destination for 5 * experiences and the support to the economy in recovery times into the forefront of the activities.

Maja Pak began her career in tourism at the Rogaška Health Resort, and then continued at the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), where she made a key contribution to important development and promotional activities of the organization in several management positions. In recent years, the STB has achieved a breakthrough in the field of digital marketing and sustainable development, and thus strongly contributed to Slovenia's ranking among the top most attractive countries in the world.

Key goals of the STB under the leadership of MSc. Maja Pak remain the same: further strengthening of the position and development of Slovenia as a responsible and sustainable destination for 5-star experiences, digital transformation of Slovenian tourism and support to the tourism industry for a successful start-up and recovery after the crisis. The STB will carry out its activities with an even greater emphasis on responsiveness, adaptability, agility, innovation and creativity, with a strong focus on digital and sustainable transformation.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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