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New AR app: Experience the story of the Russian chapel


New AR app: Experience the story of the Russian chapel

Kranjska Gora Tourism Board has launched a new tourist product, the AR application, which will help visitors experience the story of Vršič mountain road and the Russian Chapel.

The Russian chapel is a significant monument to the construction of Vršič mountain road. The story, which is gloomy and tragic, carries a strong message, which should not be forgotten. However, as time goes on, every year we move further away from knowing what happened back then and what Russian war prisoners had to go through when they built a road across the highest mountain pass in Slovenia, Vršič Pass, in order to supply the Isonzo Front, which raged on the other side of the mountain, with ammunition, food and sanitary materials.

This is also one of the reasons why Kranjska Gora Touurism Board has developed an AR application about this topic. They have teamed up with Escapebox and developed an application which, according to Marko Maučec, the head of Escapebox, "transforms these stories into augmented reality and makes them colourful and real".

Visitors will be able to use this application on their smartphones, right after downloading the application, which is currently available in the Google Play online store. Soon, it will be available for iOS users as well.

The app will allow you to access six stories that delicately outline the events surrounding the construction of the Russian Chapel by scanning QR codes located in the wider area around the Russian chapel.

The app can be downloaded here.


Global public relations and Marketing
e-mail address: press(at)slovenia.info

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