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Stories from Slovenia

A campaign focused on the Austrian, German and Swiss markets

The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) continues targeting visitors from the highest income brackets, i.e. the High-Value Traveller segment. In accordance with the Strategy for the Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism  and the Work Programme of the STB, we wish to increase Slovenia’s recognisability as a boutique destination offering five-star experiences on some key foreign markets.  Launching a campaign focused on the Austrian, German and Swiss markets, we want to address that segment of tourists who also travel outside the summer high season. At the same time, those tourists do not book their holidays based on the lowest-price criterion but want to spend them in line with their expectations and are prepared to pay extra for that.

To this end, the company Valicon has conducted a preliminary in-depth study for the STB, which has identified a high-value traveller segment on all three markets as well as communication channels that can be used to address it as efficiently as possible. Together with its representative offices in Austria and Germany, the STB has also carried out an in-depth analysis indicating the influence and reach of the media on all three markets. In that way, we have selected the optimum media mix to conduct the campaign.

Communication channels

Tako imenovanja kampanja DACH, bo zajela televizijsko oglaševanje, oglaševanje v tiskanih medijih in oglaševanje na družbenih omrežjih, na trgih Avstrije, Nemčije in Švice v obdobju oktober-november 2019.


  • national public TV ORF2: 39 airings of 20-second video advertisements
  • Print media: ReiseAktuell magazine: 4 full-page advertorials
  • mix of print and digital media:

- DiePresse: 5 full-page advertorials, 2 online advertorials,
- KleineZeitung: 2 4/1 (8-page advertorials) + 6 online advertorials,
- Wienerin + Diva magazines: 2/1 + 1/1 + 2 online advertorials,

  •  digital media: Content Garden – programmatic advertising, Facebook and Instagram


  • national public TV ZDF: 25 airings of 20-second advertisements
  • print media:

- Spiegel: a full-page advertorial
- Lufthansa Exclusive: a 28-page brochure in 300,000 copies
- Suddeutsche Zeitung: a full-page advertorial

  • digital media: Content Garden – programmatic advertising, Facebook and Instagram


  • national public TV SRF1: 124 airings of 20-second TV advertisements
  • print media:

- Sonntags Zeitung: double-page advertorial in print written by the medium,
- NZZ Friday Edition: 2 double-page advertorials written by the medium.
- NZZ Stil: 2 full-page advertorials written by the medium.

  • digital media: Content Garden – programmatic advertising, Facebook and Instagram


The total value of the project is EUR 1,525,000 (VAT incl.).  The STB aims to strengthen, on all three markets mentioned above, the awareness of Slovenia as a destination where visitors can discover high-end gastronomy and get to know the country’s culture. The objective of the campaign on the Swiss and German markets will also include an intensive increase of Slovenia’s recognisability as a wellness destination. In Austria, where Slovenia is already well-known as a wellness destination, more emphasis will be placed on the consideration stage, when potential tourists are already planning to book their trips.

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