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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Video search results for the search string “coast”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#V000218 Number of downloads: 2

Cycling ambassadors 2017 - day 4 - Rachel Wilson on the Coast

#V000116 Number of downloads: 265

Slovenian Impressions - Feel pure love - 37 s

#V000121 Number of downloads: 139

Slovenian Impressions - Taste of Slovenian Sea - 37 s

#V000139 Number of downloads: 53

Young Adventurers in Slovenia - 39 s

#V000152 Number of downloads: 20

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Bled - ANJ 30 s

#V000157 Number of downloads: 12

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - ENG 30 s

#V000164 Number of downloads: 5

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - ITA 30 s

#V000165 Number of downloads: 3

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Thermal SPA's - ITA 30 s

#V000171 Number of downloads: 5

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - DEU 30 s

#V000172 Number of downloads: 5

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Health SPA's - DEU 30 s

#V000138 Number of downloads: 113

Young Adventurers in Slovenia - 2:49 min

#V000131 Number of downloads: 217

Slovenian impressions - Taste of the Slovenian Sea - 3:17 min

#V000155 Number of downloads: 9

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ENG 30 s

#V000156 Number of downloads: 3

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ENG 30 s

#V000169 Number of downloads: 3

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

#V000162 Number of downloads: 6

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ITA 30 s

#V000160 Number of downloads: 4

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Lipica - ITA 30 s

#V000167 Number of downloads: 7

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Lipica - DEU 30 s

#V000170 Number of downloads: 4

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

#V000166 Number of downloads: 8

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Bled - DEU 30 s

Cycling ambassadors 2017 - day 4 - Rachel Wilson on the Coast

Cycling ambassadors 2017 - day 4 - Rachel Wilson on the Coast

Number of downloads: 2
Slovenian Impressions - Feel pure love - 37 s

Slovenian Impressions - Feel pure love - 37 s

Number of downloads: 265
Slovenian Impressions - Taste of Slovenian Sea - 37 s

Slovenian Impressions - Taste of Slovenian Sea - 37 s

Number of downloads: 139
Young Adventurers in Slovenia - 39 s

Young Adventurers in Slovenia - 39 s

Number of downloads: 53
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Bled - ANJ 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Bled - ANJ 30 s

Number of downloads: 20
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - ENG 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - ENG 30 s

Number of downloads: 12
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - ITA 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - ITA 30 s

Number of downloads: 5
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Thermal SPA's - ITA 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Thermal SPA's - ITA 30 s

Number of downloads: 3
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Postojna cave - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 5
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Health SPA's - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Health SPA's - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 5
Recommended Young Adventurers in Slovenia - 2:49 min

Young Adventurers in Slovenia - 2:49 min

Number of downloads: 113
Slovenian impressions - Taste of the Slovenian Sea - 3:17 min

Slovenian impressions - Taste of the Slovenian Sea - 3:17 min

Number of downloads: 217
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ENG 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ENG 30 s

Number of downloads: 9
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ENG 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ENG 30 s

Number of downloads: 3
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 3
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ITA 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - ITA 30 s

Number of downloads: 6
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Lipica - ITA 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Lipica - ITA 30 s

Number of downloads: 4
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Lipica - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Lipica - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 7
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 4
Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Bled - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Bled - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 8