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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Video search results for the search string “Celje”

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Number of downloads
#V000400 Number of downloads: 52

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Old castle Celje and Roman Poetovio (Ptuj) 15 sec

#V000369 Number of downloads: 24

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2017 - Celje

#V000450 Number of downloads: 37

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - EN

#V000452 Number of downloads: 3

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - RU

#V000451 Number of downloads: 4

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - FRA

#V000402 Number of downloads: 58

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Slovenian cultural sights 15 sec

#V000427 Number of downloads: 84

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia 2.40 min

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Old castle Celje and Roman Poetovio (Ptuj) 15 sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Old castle Celje and Roman Poetovio (Ptuj) 15 sec

Number of downloads: 52
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2017 - Celje

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2017 - Celje

Number of downloads: 24
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - EN

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - EN

Number of downloads: 37
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - RU

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - RU

Number of downloads: 3
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - FRA

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Celje - FRA

Number of downloads: 4
My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Slovenian cultural sights 15 sec

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia: Slovenian cultural sights 15 sec

Number of downloads: 58
Recommended My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia 2.40 min

My way of experiencing culture in Slovenia 2.40 min

Number of downloads: 84