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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Video search results for the search string “slovenia”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#V000170 Number of downloads: 4

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

#V000125 Number of downloads: 190

Slovenian Impressions - Forrests, our green loungs - 2:40 min

#V000426 Number of downloads: 44

My way of aquafun with a family in Slovenia 1.45 min

#V000116 Number of downloads: 268

Slovenian Impressions - Feel pure love - 37 s

#V000463 Number of downloads: 5

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Nova Gorica - FRA

#V000464 Number of downloads: 5

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Nova Gorica - RUS

#V000466 Number of downloads: 7

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Novo mesto - FRA

#V000467 Number of downloads: 2

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Novo mesto - RUS

#V000469 Number of downloads: 2

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Rogaška Slatina - FRA

#V000470 Number of downloads: 8

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Rogaška Slatina - RUS

#V000478 Number of downloads: 11

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Vipava valley - FRA

#V000479 Number of downloads: 7

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Vipava valley - RUS

#V000123 Number of downloads: 163

Slovenian impressions - Beloved Ljubljana - 5:32 min

#V000491 Number of downloads: 28

Winter time in Slovenia - familiy playing in the snow - 17 s

#V000432 Number of downloads: 66

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 47 sek

#V000433 Number of downloads: 42

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 37 sek

#V000405 Number of downloads: 24

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Beauty Wellness 15 sec

#V000407 Number of downloads: 28

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Rogaška Slatina 15 sec

#V000413 Number of downloads: 34

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 30 sec

#V000415 Number of downloads: 54

My way of green escape in Slovenia: Lake Bohinj 15 sec

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

Invitation to Slovenia with Tina Maze - Piran - DEU 30 s

Number of downloads: 4
Slovenian Impressions - Forrests, our green loungs - 2:40 min

Slovenian Impressions - Forrests, our green loungs - 2:40 min

Number of downloads: 190
Recommended My way of aquafun with a family in Slovenia 1.45 min

My way of aquafun with a family in Slovenia 1.45 min

Number of downloads: 44
Slovenian Impressions - Feel pure love - 37 s

Slovenian Impressions - Feel pure love - 37 s

Number of downloads: 268
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Nova Gorica - FRA

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Nova Gorica - FRA

Number of downloads: 5
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Nova Gorica - RUS

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Nova Gorica - RUS

Number of downloads: 5
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Novo mesto - FRA

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Novo mesto - FRA

Number of downloads: 7
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Novo mesto - RUS

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Novo mesto - RUS

Number of downloads: 2
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Rogaška Slatina - FRA

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Rogaška Slatina - FRA

Number of downloads: 2
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Rogaška Slatina - RUS

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Rogaška Slatina - RUS

Number of downloads: 8
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Vipava valley - FRA

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Vipava valley - FRA

Number of downloads: 11
Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Vipava valley - RUS

Promo video Tour of Slovenia 2019 - destination Vipava valley - RUS

Number of downloads: 7
Slovenian impressions - Beloved Ljubljana - 5:32 min

Slovenian impressions - Beloved Ljubljana - 5:32 min

Number of downloads: 163
Winter time in Slovenia - familiy playing in the snow - 17 s

Winter time in Slovenia - familiy playing in the snow - 17 s

Number of downloads: 28
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 47 sek

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 47 sek

Number of downloads: 66
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 37 sek

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 37 sek

Number of downloads: 42
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Beauty Wellness 15 sec

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Beauty Wellness 15 sec

Number of downloads: 24
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Rogaška Slatina 15 sec

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Rogaška Slatina 15 sec

Number of downloads: 28
My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 30 sec

My way of well-being in Slovenia: Sečovlje Saltpans 30 sec

Number of downloads: 34
My way of green escape in Slovenia: Lake Bohinj 15 sec

My way of green escape in Slovenia: Lake Bohinj 15 sec

Number of downloads: 54