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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “winter sport”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F004377 Number of downloads: 20

Pokljuka in winter time

#F004379 Number of downloads: 51

Julian Alps in winter

#F000786 Number of downloads: 784

Bled, Winter morning

#F015787 Number of downloads: 6

Brdo park in the winter

#F015788 Number of downloads: 13

Brdo park in the winter

#F015794 Number of downloads: 12

Krvavec in the winter time

#F015795 Number of downloads: 11

Krvavec in the winter time

#F015796 Number of downloads: 19

Krvavec in the winter time

#F015797 Number of downloads: 30

Krvavec in the winter time

#F015798 Number of downloads: 27

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015799 Number of downloads: 7

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015800 Number of downloads: 11

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015801 Number of downloads: 30

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015802 Number of downloads: 25

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015803 Number of downloads: 51

Ljubljana in the winter time

#F015656 Number of downloads: 20

Winter fun on Pohorje hills

#F012538 Number of downloads: 26

Winter at St. Peter above Begunje

#F012424 Number of downloads: 8

Krnica village in the winter

#F012442 Number of downloads: 53

Mostnica gorge in the winter

#F012445 Number of downloads: 33

Ribčev laz in the winter

Pokljuka in winter time

Pokljuka in winter time

Number of downloads: 20
Julian Alps in winter

Julian Alps in winter

Number of downloads: 51
Bled, Winter morning

Bled, Winter morning

Number of downloads: 784
Brdo park in the winter

Brdo park in the winter

Number of downloads: 6
Brdo park in the winter

Brdo park in the winter

Number of downloads: 13
Krvavec in the winter time

Krvavec in the winter time

Number of downloads: 12
Krvavec in the winter time

Krvavec in the winter time

Number of downloads: 11
Krvavec in the winter time

Krvavec in the winter time

Number of downloads: 19
Krvavec in the winter time

Krvavec in the winter time

Number of downloads: 30
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 27
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 7
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 11
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 30
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 25
Ljubljana in the winter time

Ljubljana in the winter time

Number of downloads: 51
Winter fun on Pohorje hills

Winter fun on Pohorje hills

Number of downloads: 20
Winter at St. Peter above Begunje

Winter at St. Peter above Begunje

Number of downloads: 26
Krnica village in the winter

Krnica village in the winter

Number of downloads: 8
Mostnica gorge in the winter

Mostnica gorge in the winter

Number of downloads: 53
Ribčev laz in the winter

Ribčev laz in the winter

Number of downloads: 33