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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “wall of Mt. Prisank”

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Number of downloads
#F014444 Number of downloads: 38

Kranjska Gora, Triglav north wall

#F014445 Number of downloads: 41

Kranjska Gora, Triglav north wall

#F012691 Number of downloads: 15

Underground fortress of Alpine wall Pivka

#F008513 Number of downloads: 15

Climbing in the natural wall in Trenta

#F000073 Number of downloads: 233

Piran, view from City wall

#F014854 Number of downloads: 51

Behind the caste walls, Brezice castle

#F014891 Number of downloads: 105

View from town walls at sunset, Piran

#F008229 Number of downloads: 6

Climber in the climbing wall in the hall

#F009922 Number of downloads: 328

View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

Kranjska Gora, Triglav north wall

Kranjska Gora, Triglav north wall

Number of downloads: 38
Kranjska Gora, Triglav north wall

Kranjska Gora, Triglav north wall

Number of downloads: 41
Underground fortress of Alpine wall Pivka

Underground fortress of Alpine wall Pivka

Number of downloads: 15
Climbing in the natural wall in Trenta

Climbing in the natural wall in Trenta

Number of downloads: 15
Piran, view from City wall

Piran, view from City wall

Number of downloads: 233
Behind the caste walls, Brezice castle

Behind the caste walls, Brezice castle

Number of downloads: 51
View from town walls at sunset, Piran

View from town walls at sunset, Piran

Number of downloads: 105
Climber in the climbing wall in the hall

Climber in the climbing wall in the hall

Number of downloads: 6
View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

View at Tartini Square in Piran from the town walls

Number of downloads: 328