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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “vino”

Razvrsti po:

User selection
Number of downloads
#F010550 Number of downloads: 20

Days of Poetry and Wine

#F008352 Number of downloads: 10

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

#F008370 Number of downloads: 93

Lunch in the sun at Skok restaurant

#F008394 Number of downloads: 119

Tasting vine with a view at Zlati Grič wine cellar

#F008424 Number of downloads: 24

Slicing prosciutto at Skok restaurant

#F008426 Number of downloads: 25

Couple enjoying the culinary delights at Skok restaurant

#F001346 Number of downloads: 30

E31-Brda at sundown

#F001347 Number of downloads: 9


#F001372 Number of downloads: 62

E31-Smartno village

#F010335 Number of downloads: 86

Vinarium Lendava

#F008371 Number of downloads: 61

Lunch in the sun at Skok restaurant

#F001190 Number of downloads: 37

E30-Harvest in Goriska Brda region

#F001207 Number of downloads: 35


#F001208 Number of downloads: 6

E30-View towards Fojana

#F001361 Number of downloads: 54

E31-Wine archive in wine cellar Goriška Brda

#F001364 Number of downloads: 12

E31-Wine cellar Goriska Brda

#F001386 Number of downloads: 48

E31-Home made prosciutto Belica

#F004469 Number of downloads: 182

Istrian cuisine

#F008425 Number of downloads: 21

Slicing prosciutto at Skok restaurant

#F008427 Number of downloads: 25

Couple enjoying the culinary delights at Skok restaurant

Days of Poetry and Wine

Days of Poetry and Wine

Number of downloads: 20
Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Tasting the local menu in the Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 10
Lunch in the sun at Skok restaurant

Lunch in the sun at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 93
Tasting vine with a view at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Tasting vine with a view at Zlati Grič wine cellar

Number of downloads: 119
Slicing prosciutto at Skok restaurant

Slicing prosciutto at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 24
Couple enjoying the culinary delights at Skok restaurant

Couple enjoying the culinary delights at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 25
E31-Brda at sundown

E31-Brda at sundown

Number of downloads: 30


Number of downloads: 9
E31-Smartno village

E31-Smartno village

Number of downloads: 62
Vinarium Lendava

Vinarium Lendava

Number of downloads: 86
Lunch in the sun at Skok restaurant

Lunch in the sun at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 61
E30-Harvest in Goriska Brda region

E30-Harvest in Goriska Brda region

Number of downloads: 37


Number of downloads: 35
E30-View towards Fojana

E30-View towards Fojana

Number of downloads: 6
E31-Wine archive in wine cellar Goriška Brda

E31-Wine archive in wine cellar Goriška Brda

Number of downloads: 54
E31-Wine cellar Goriska Brda

E31-Wine cellar Goriska Brda

Number of downloads: 12
E31-Home made prosciutto Belica

E31-Home made prosciutto Belica

Number of downloads: 48
Istrian cuisine

Istrian cuisine

Number of downloads: 182
Slicing prosciutto at Skok restaurant

Slicing prosciutto at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 21
Couple enjoying the culinary delights at Skok restaurant

Couple enjoying the culinary delights at Skok restaurant

Number of downloads: 25