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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “vineyard cottages”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F015772 Number of downloads: 28

Vineyards in Bizeljsko

#F013832 Number of downloads: 80

Ormoške gorice

#F001345 Number of downloads: 70


#F015744 Number of downloads: 17

Bizeljsko vineyards

#F013613 Number of downloads: 129

Haloze vineyards

#F009029 Number of downloads: 27

Vineyards in Drašiči

#F014616 Number of downloads: 92

Vipava valley, vineyard

#F013615 Number of downloads: 17

Hiker in vineyards, Haloze

#F010659 Number of downloads: 36

Vineyards of Jeruzalem in winter

#F010660 Number of downloads: 16

Winter vineyards of Jeruzalem

#F010309 Number of downloads: 36

Vineyards above Metlika

#F009150 Number of downloads: 87

Vineyard in Brda in autumn

#F009151 Number of downloads: 18

View on vineyards in Brda

#F007785 Number of downloads: 79

Autumn in Slovenia - vineyard

#F008313 Number of downloads: 48

Family in the vineyard

#F009028 Number of downloads: 27

Vineyards in Bela krajina

#F008392 Number of downloads: 18

Walking in the vineyard

#F008411 Number of downloads: 21

Walking in the vineyard

#F008440 Number of downloads: 27

Walking in the vineyard

#F001313 Number of downloads: 15

E30-Path between vineyards

Vineyards in Bizeljsko

Vineyards in Bizeljsko

Number of downloads: 28
Ormoške gorice

Ormoške gorice

Number of downloads: 80


Number of downloads: 70
Bizeljsko vineyards

Bizeljsko vineyards

Number of downloads: 17
Haloze vineyards

Haloze vineyards

Number of downloads: 129
Vineyards in Drašiči

Vineyards in Drašiči

Number of downloads: 27
Vipava valley, vineyard

Vipava valley, vineyard

Number of downloads: 92
Hiker in vineyards, Haloze

Hiker in vineyards, Haloze

Number of downloads: 17
Vineyards of Jeruzalem in winter

Vineyards of Jeruzalem in winter

Number of downloads: 36
Winter vineyards of Jeruzalem

Winter vineyards of Jeruzalem

Number of downloads: 16
Vineyards above Metlika

Vineyards above Metlika

Number of downloads: 36
Vineyard in Brda in autumn

Vineyard in Brda in autumn

Number of downloads: 87
View on vineyards in Brda

View on vineyards in Brda

Number of downloads: 18
Autumn in Slovenia - vineyard

Autumn in Slovenia - vineyard

Number of downloads: 79
Family in the vineyard

Family in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 48
Vineyards in Bela krajina

Vineyards in Bela krajina

Number of downloads: 27
Walking in the vineyard

Walking in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 18
Walking in the vineyard

Walking in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 21
Walking in the vineyard

Walking in the vineyard

Number of downloads: 27
E30-Path between vineyards

E30-Path between vineyards

Number of downloads: 15