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The Slovenian Tourist Board media library has many high-resolution photos and videos relevant to tourism in Slovenia available for professional use.

Photo search results for the search string “vacation”

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User selection
Number of downloads
#F011525 Number of downloads: 10

Camper vacation

#F011526 Number of downloads: 7

Camper vacation

#F011528 Number of downloads: 6

Camper vacation

#F011516 Number of downloads: 26

Camper vacation on Coast

#F011522 Number of downloads: 16

Camper vacation on Coast

#F011514 Number of downloads: 15

Camper vacation in Haloze hills

#F011515 Number of downloads: 96

Camper vacation in Haloze hills

#F011531 Number of downloads: 51

Camper vacation in Soča valley

#F011517 Number of downloads: 42

Camper vacation by the Jasna lake

#F011518 Number of downloads: 9

Camper vacation in Jeruzalem wine region

#F008230 Number of downloads: 3

Climbing in the hall

#F008224 Number of downloads: 0

Climbing in the hall

#F008226 Number of downloads: 2

The girl climbing in the hall

#F008231 Number of downloads: 7

Climbing in the hall

#F008232 Number of downloads: 5

Climber climbing in the hall

#F000043 Number of downloads: 52

Nature experiences

#F000042 Number of downloads: 62

Gingerbread making

#F008227 Number of downloads: 8

Hall climbing

#F008228 Number of downloads: 9

Climber climbing in the hall

#F008726 Number of downloads: 5

Camp guests enjoying free time

Camper vacation

Camper vacation

Number of downloads: 10
Camper vacation

Camper vacation

Number of downloads: 7
Camper vacation

Camper vacation

Number of downloads: 6
Camper vacation on Coast

Camper vacation on Coast

Number of downloads: 26
Camper vacation on Coast

Camper vacation on Coast

Number of downloads: 16
Camper vacation in Haloze hills

Camper vacation in Haloze hills

Number of downloads: 15
Camper vacation in Haloze hills

Camper vacation in Haloze hills

Number of downloads: 96
Camper vacation in Soča valley

Camper vacation in Soča valley

Number of downloads: 51
Camper vacation by the Jasna lake

Camper vacation by the Jasna lake

Number of downloads: 42
Camper vacation in Jeruzalem wine region

Camper vacation in Jeruzalem wine region

Number of downloads: 9
Climbing in the hall

Climbing in the hall

Number of downloads: 3
Climbing in the hall

Climbing in the hall

Number of downloads: 0
The girl climbing in the hall

The girl climbing in the hall

Number of downloads: 2
Climbing in the hall

Climbing in the hall

Number of downloads: 7
Climber climbing in the hall

Climber climbing in the hall

Number of downloads: 5
Nature experiences

Nature experiences

Number of downloads: 52
Gingerbread making

Gingerbread making

Number of downloads: 62
Hall climbing

Hall climbing

Number of downloads: 8
Climber climbing in the hall

Climber climbing in the hall

Number of downloads: 9
Camp guests enjoying free time

Camp guests enjoying free time

Number of downloads: 5